1. Quote other people's opinions and data: When writing a paper, we often quote other people's opinions and data to support our arguments. In this case, we need to clearly point out the source of the citation in the paper. Specifically, it is necessary to indicate the author's name, publication year and page number of the specific quotation in parentheses after the quoted sentence.
2. Avoid plagiarism: Another important function of marking references is to avoid plagiarism. When writing a paper, you can't directly copy and paste other people's words or data, you need to express it in your own language. If you directly quote other people's words or data in your paper without marking it, it may be regarded as plagiarism.
3. Ensure the readability and rigor of the paper: Marking references can increase the readability and rigor of the paper. By marking references, readers can better understand the arguments and arguments in the paper, and at the same time, they can understand the degree of respect and recognition of the previous research results by the renters.
The role of references
1. Prove the author's respect and recognition of others' research results. In the process of academic research and writing, we need to cite other people's research results as the support or development of our own arguments. Marking references is recognition and respect for these research results, but it is also recognition of the contributions of other scholars. Marking references can avoid plagiarism and academic misconduct.
2. Enhance the credibility and rigor of the paper. By marking references, readers can understand the source and basis cited by the author when writing the paper, so as to better understand and evaluate the arguments and conclusions of the paper. This will help to enhance the credibility and rigor of the paper and make readers trust the author's research results more.
3. Promote academic exchanges and knowledge accumulation. Marking references helps other scholars or researchers to understand the research status and progress in related fields and find new research problems and opportunities. At the same time, it is also convenient for other scholars to quote and refer to the author's research results, and promote academic exchanges and knowledge accumulation.