1. Clarify the theme: Before you start writing, you need to clarify your theme and argument. This will help you keep the coherence of the article and ensure that your arguments are reflected in the whole article.
2. Use transitional words: Transitional words can help you establish the connection between paragraphs and make your article more coherent. For example, words such as "however", "on the other hand" and "besides" can help you to establish a connection between different viewpoints or arguments.
3. Keep a consistent tense: You should keep a consistent tense throughout the article. If you use the past tense in part of the article, you should use the past tense in the whole article.
4. Use complex sentences and complex sentences: Complex sentences and complex sentences can make your article richer and more complicated. They can help you express your views better and make your articles more fluent.
5. Avoid repetition: Repetition will make your article redundant and boring. You should try to avoid repeating the same ideas or information in the article.
6. Proofreading and revision: Finally, you should proofread your article carefully to ensure that there are no grammatical mistakes or spelling mistakes. You can also check whether your paragraphs are coherent and your views are clear in this process.
Generally speaking, to improve the coherence and fluency of papers and articles, you need to have a deep understanding of the structure, language and content of the articles. Through practice and revision, you can gradually improve your writing ability.