B5 for paper
The format of the first page of the paper is as shown in the figure: the title of the paper is bold No.2, and the rest is Song Ti No.4. The title of the paper should be concise and appropriate, generally no more than 25 words. Chinese abstract and its keywords (b5 typesetting): The second page of the paper is a Chinese abstract of about 500 words, which should explain the purpose, research methods, achievements and conclusions of the paper. Dissertation abstracts are the epitome of dissertations, so as to keep the basic information of the original thesis as much as possible and highlight the creative achievements and new insights of the thesis. The abstract of the paper should be as simple and easy to understand as possible, with few letters in the formula and refined and accurate language. Start another line at the bottom of this page, indicating 3-5 key words of this article. English abstract and its key words (typeset by No.5 b5): The third page of the paper is English abstract, with the same content as Chinese abstract and key words. Graduation thesis model essay: school name: northeast normal university college (department) student number: computer department undergraduate student number: thesis theme, major: computer science and technology undergraduate name: instructor name instructor title academic degree evaluation committee summary northeast normal university computer department (middle four words) (blank line) summary content (left alignment No.5) (blank line)