I found it on Yahoo Japan. Just enter keywords, such as writing the industrialization of Japanese animation.
http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search? p = % E3 % 82% A2 % E3 % 83% 8B % E3 % 83% A 1% E3 % 80% 80% E7 % 94% A3 % E6 % A5 % AD % E5 % 8C % 96 & amp; x = 1 & amp; fr = top _ ga 1 _ sa & amp; tid=top_ga 1_sa。 UTF 8 aq = & ampoq=
There is a PDF at the end, which is a paper.
I suggest you look for more information and set a general direction first. The topic of the paper can be changed later.
Mainly to collect more information. Of course, Japanese is better than Chinese.