Any revolution is to eliminate obstacles to the development of productive forces. The second revolution led by China's * * * production party is to turn a socialist China with relatively backward economy and culture into a prosperous, strong, democratic and civilized socialist modern China. Deng Xiaoping said: "The nature of the reform is the same as that of the past revolution, both of which are aimed at removing obstacles to the development of social productive forces and freeing China from poverty and backwardness. In this sense, reform can also be called revolutionary change. "
As a new revolution, reform is not and is not allowed to deny and abandon the basic socialist system we have established, but the self-improvement and development of the socialist system. Reform is not a revolution in the original sense that one class overthrew another class, nor is it a trivial repair of the original economic system, but a fundamental change in the system. Its essence and goal is to fundamentally change the economic system that restricts the development of China's productive forces, establish a dynamic new socialist economic system, and reform the political system and other systems accordingly, so as to realize China's socialist modernization. In the sense of liberating productive forces and removing obstacles to developing productive forces, in the sense of profundity and extensiveness of policy re-selection and system reconstruction, and in the sense of profundity and extensiveness of social life and people's concept changes caused by it, reform is a new revolution.