2. Restatement: If you have to quote a term, try to restate it in different ways. For example, you can say "this theory is based on" instead of simply saying "this theory is based on".
3. Use a glossary: If you often need to use specific terms in your writing, you can create a glossary to record these terms and their definitions. In this way, when you need to quote these terms, you can look them up directly from the table without having to explain them repeatedly.
4. Use abbreviations and acronyms appropriately: If a term is very common, you can write the complete form the first time you use it, and then only write acronyms or abbreviations in subsequent quotations.
5. Avoid over-complication: Sometimes, when we try to avoid repetition, we may over-complicate the language. Try to keep the text concise and clear, and avoid unnecessary complicated vocabulary and sentence structure.
6. Ask others to help us review: Sometimes, it may be difficult for us to find our recurring problems. Ask others to help you review your paper, and they may find repetitive problems that you didn't notice.
Cyan Project Tutor Summary Template Model 1
This semester, the school launched the "Blu