Page 1: Chinese and English titles.
Brief introduction of the author (name, date of birth, unit, professional title, degree, research direction, main research results);
Contact information of the author (mailing address, fixed telephone, mobile phone, email address).
Page 2: Paper.
Relevant contents and their order are: Chinese title, Chinese abstract (within 200 words) and Chinese keywords (3-5), English title, English abstract (within 300 words) and English keywords (3-5), text, references and appendices (if any).
2. Style format
Paragraph requirements: single spacing, two spaces in the first line of each paragraph.
The content format requirements of each part of the manuscript are as follows:
(1) Title, abstract and keywords of the paper
■ Chinese titles, abstracts and keywords
Subject: The second bold font, centered.
Subtitle (optional): No.3 is bold, centered and preceded by a dash (-).
Abstract: "Abstract" is in small five bold type, followed by a blank word, and then the text of the abstract is arranged. The main body is Song No.5, centered and left and right empty.
Keywords: "Keyword" is bold, followed by a blank word, "Keyword" is Song Dynasty, a blank word is between words, and the keywords are aligned.
Remarks: Put an asterisk (*) in the upper right corner at the end of the topic. The title is placed at the bottom of the page and a thin line is added between the title and the text. Note: The fifth musical form is preceded by an asterisk (*) as the note code and followed by a space.
English titles, abstracts and keywords (after Chinese titles, abstracts and keywords)
Title: No.2 Times New Roman, centered. If there is a subtitle, add a colon (:) after the topic.
Subtitle (dispensable): New Rome in the 3rd era, centered.
Abstract: "Abstract" is five times smaller than Silla, bold, followed by a space, followed by the abstract text. The text of the text is five times smaller than the Silla horse body, which is not bold, centered and "abstract"
Keywords: "keywords”Times New Roman, small five, bold, followed by a space, followed by keywords. Put a comma (,) between keywords, and five times smaller than bold new Rome returns "keywords".
(2) Text
The articles are arranged in a line, and the fifth style.
Article chapter title serial number:
First-class title: one, two ... (No.5 bold, center)
Secondary titles: 1. 1, 1.2, 1.3 ... (bold number five, indented)
Three titles: 1. 1. 1,1.2,1.3 ... (No.5 imitation song, indented two words).
etc ...
(3) Examples
The example numbers are (1), (2) and (3) ...... The full text is numbered consecutively (indicated in italics No.5).
If the example is short, you can arrange double columns.
(4) Text citation
Please check the text quotation carefully to make sure it is correct and indicate the source:
References: Li Yuming (2005); Zhu (1982: 96-99); Leather (1983:204)
Note: Single author: (Li Yuming, 2005); (Smith, 1985,1991);
Many authors: (Li Yuming, 2005: 92-95; Zhu,1985:110-15); (Ma Zhen, Lu Jianming, 1983: 43-47).
(5) Precautions
General comments appear as footnotes.
In the upper right of the text to be annotated, the serial number ① ③.
Comments are listed below the text of the current page, with a horizontal line between the text and the footnote, with a small number of five, and aligned with the comments on the previous line when returning.
(6) References
References are attached to the article, indicating the source of all the quotations in the article and the version of the document on which they are based, including the author's surname and first name; Year of publication; The title of the article, the name of the publication, the volume number and issue number of the publication, and the page numbers of the article; Title, place of publication and publisher.