If pearl pickers have actual published records, if they are in the form of books, they can quote them in the format of monograph [M].
[serial number] Principal. Title of the document [Document Type ID]. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication: page number (optional).
For example: [1] Liu Guojun, Chen Shaoye. Book catalogue [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press,1957:15-18.
After searching, I found a similar published book. See if it is consistent with your reference. If so, you can refer to it. The format is as follows:
[ 1]? Courmont. Bicai Pearl Picker [M]. Taipei: World Heritage Publishing House, 1999.
If pearl pickers only appear in the form of opera and there is no other publishing form, and you quote the lines of opera. Then you can explain it directly in the paper without reference.