Secondly, non-verbal information such as pictures and tables in the attachment may also affect the duplicate checking results of the paper. Some duplicate checking systems can identify and process text information in pictures and tables. Therefore, if the information in the attachment is duplicated with the main content of the paper, the duplicate checking result of the paper will be very high.
In addition, the list of references in the attachment may also affect the duplicate checking results of papers. If you list the references related to the main content of the paper in the attachment, but these references are not cited in the main part of the paper, then these references may be regarded as plagiarism, which may lead to high duplicate checking results.
However, some duplicate checking systems do not process the information in the attachment, so the attachment has no influence on the duplicate checking results of these systems. But generally speaking, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, we should try our best to avoid including information that is duplicate with the main content of the paper in the attachment when writing the paper.
Finally, it should be noted that although the attachment may affect the duplicate checking result of the paper, it is not the only criterion to judge whether the paper is plagiarized. The main concern of the duplicate checking system is whether the main content of the paper has many similarities with other published documents, rather than whether attachments are used. Therefore, when writing a paper, we should pay more attention to the originality of the main content of the paper, rather than worrying too much about the influence of attachments on the results of duplicate checking.