1, in terms of structure
Generally, the report consists of six parts: contents, executive summary, introduction, body, conclusion, suggestions and references.
2. language.
In the report, if the topic is if you are the CEO of a company or some other role, you can use the first person; Without this assumption of ownership, you still can't use your first name and last name. Please pay attention to the difference between this and Essay.
3. content.
The report is more practical, less theoretical and more practical. For some A case analysis reports, it is necessary to analyze the cases provided by the instructors, instead of giving free play to theories unrelated to abuse.
All the contents of the box must be analyzed. The use of data and charts is very important. If you use the change of a certain data of a company in a few years, you can list the data table first, and then use the histogram, pie chart or curve chart to reflect it intuitively.
4, pay special attention to the problem
Directory, be sure to use Word to automatically generate the format. Executive summary, the main purpose of this report is ... usually a symbolic statement. Generally speaking, this part mainly introduces the research content, research object, research purpose and significance of this report.
Introduction, in a report, the introduction is equivalent to a background, not a summary of the report. Please pay attention to the differences with the passage. The introduction in the report does not summarize the content of the article.
Do not introduce the structure of the article (because the structure has been introduced in the catalogue); Just introduce the background. In the text, the general principle is to write less theories, analyze more with the actual situation, and don't talk empty. Analyze in detail according to the requirements, support with evidence, and speak with facts. If necessary, list the title, subtitle and the next level title.
5. Use concise language to extract the key words of each paragraph, and then explain and elaborate. Conclusion/suggestion, according to the requirements of the paper. Reference: Reference is what the instructor values most, so please pay special attention.