In contemporary society, we often need to find a balance between pragmatism and romanticism. Being pragmatic means being down-to-earth, paying attention to reality and solving specific problems; Romance, on the other hand, pays more attention to the expression of emotion and art, and pursues the satisfaction of the soul and the enjoyment of beauty. These two seemingly completely different attitudes can actually promote each other and push our lives in a better direction.
First of all, pragmatism is the foundation of our life. Facing all kinds of problems in life, we need to solve them with a pragmatic attitude in order to continue our life. Whether it is work, study or life, only down-to-earth can we achieve practical results. Being pragmatic also means acknowledging and respecting reality. Only by understanding the reality can we better deal with the problems in reality.
However, pragmatism is not enough. Life is not only to solve problems, but also to pursue and yearn for a better life. This is the importance of romance. Romance is not only an artistic expression, but also an attitude towards life. It allows us to discover and feel the beauty in life, thus making our life more colorful.
At the same time, romance is not a castle in the air and needs to be based on pragmatism. Only when you have a deep understanding of reality can you better express your art and feelings. Therefore, pragmatism and romance are not incompatible, but can be mutually integrated and promoted.
In contemporary society, we need both a pragmatic attitude and romantic feelings. Only in this way can we find the balance point of life, which can not only deal with the problems in reality, but also enjoy the beauty in life. So, let's find a balance between practicality and romance and create a better life together!