1. Total citation times: This is the total number of citations of all articles in a paper or journal by other documents within a certain time range (usually in the last two years). These data can usually be obtained from databases such as WebofScience and Scopus.
2.CitedHalf-life: This is an indicator reflecting the influence of journals, indicating the time when articles published in journals in the past are still cited. For example, if the citation half-life of a journal is five years, it means that half of the articles published in the journal have been cited in the past five years. This data can be inferred by consulting the historical data of periodicals.
The calculation formula of the impact factor is:
IF= (total citation times/number of citable references) * 1000
It should be noted that the influence factor is not an absolute value, but a relative index. The influencing factors of different disciplines may vary greatly, so when comparing the influencing factors, we need to consider the academic background. In addition, the influencing factors are also influenced by some factors, such as publishing cycle, number of authors, research quality and so on. Therefore, in evaluating the influence of journals, besides the influencing factors, other indicators need to be considered, such as instant index, cited half-life and so on.