(1) In the early days of Emperor Xuanzong's rule, he paid attention to selecting local officials. He personally examined the county magistrate and dismissed incompetent people. He appointed talented, responsible and courageous Yao Chong and Song Jing as prime ministers. As a result, the society was stable, the production developed and the economy prospered, and the Tang Dynasty entered its heyday. History is called "Kaiyuan Shi Sheng".
(2) Attach importance to frontier jurisdiction and seal off millet.
Da Luorong was named as the "King of Bohai County", with Bohai and Heishui as the governors, Nanzhao Piluoge as the king of Yunnan, and Uighur Gulipelo as "Huairen Khan", which consolidated the unity of multi-ethnic countries.
(3) Reform the military system and change the officers and men system into the recruitment system.
(4) In the late reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, he cherished Yang Guifei, drank and entertained all day, ignored political affairs, and reused treacherous Li and Yang. Politics was very corrupt, which led to the Anshi Rebellion. The Anshi Rebellion, which lasted for eight years, caused great damage to agricultural production, displaced people and made the Tang Dynasty turn from prosperity to decline. Since then, the Tang Dynasty began to decline.
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