(1) Simplified simulation of indoor airflow: Massachusetts Institute of Technology has studied the method of describing the boundary conditions and turbulence model of air conditioning inlet to simplify the simulation of indoor airflow; Tsinghua University, China studied the new method, turbulence model and numerical algorithm of air conditioning inlet boundary conditions, and established a simple system for numerical simulation of indoor airflow;
2) Large eddy simulation of indoor and outdoor airflow: MIT and Tokyo University of Japan studied the application of large eddy simulation, an advanced turbulent numerical simulation technology, in indoor and outdoor airflow simulation, and began to try to use it in building dormitory and natural ventilation simulation;
(3) Coupling simulation of indoor airflow and building energy consumption: Massachusetts Institute of Technology designs the building environment by coupling simplified CFD simulation method with building energy consumption calculation; (1) Numerical simulation of natural ventilation: MIT, Hong Kong University, etc. The large eddy simulation tool is mainly used to study natural ventilation;
(2) Numerical simulation of displacement ventilation: MIT, Aalborg University, Tsinghua University, China, etc. , such as floor replacement ventilation and seat air supply;
(3) Numerical simulation of high-rise space: Tsinghua University, China, etc. Research on the air distribution design of high-rise space mainly in stadiums and its relationship with air conditioning load calculation;
(4) Numerical simulation of 4)VOC emission: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, studies the indoor distribution of organic pollutants through CFD, and studies the indoor IAQ problem;
(5) Numerical simulation of clean room: Tsinghua University, China, etc. Numerical simulation of air distribution in relatively fixed clean room air conditioning is carried out to guide engineering design.