2. Relationship between the ratio of sugar to nitrogen and repeated organ division in broad beans, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, (Berlin), 1993, 170(4), solo.
3. Effects of leaves in different parts of broad bean on yield and photosynthetic compensation after deflation, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, (Berlin), 1993, 17 1(2), solo.
4. Effects of soil drought on photosynthetic characteristics and biomass production of broad bean during reproductive development, Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Cambridge), 1994, 122(2), solo.
5. Effects of Shading on Root Nodule Growth and Sugar Distribution of Vicia faba, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, (Berlin), 1995, 174(2), separate.
6. Effects of Shading on Root Nodule Growth and Seed Yield of Vicia faba, Trop.Agric. (Trinidad),1995,72 (3), solo.
7. Utilization of Soybean in China and Sichuan, Proceedings of the Second Conference on Soybean Processing and Utilization, 1996.
8. Moisture Content and Detection of Soybean in Storage, Proceedings of the Second Conference on Soybean Processing and Utilization, 1996.
9. Technical regulation mechanism and technical selection principle of multi-layer planting in hilly areas, paper of the international symposium on agricultural development in mountainous and hilly areas, 1996, independent.
10, crop production potential and development measures in Anning river basin, paper of international symposium on agricultural development in mountainous and hilly areas, 1996.
1 1, Effects of drought on seed yield and nutrient absorption of Vicia faba in reproductive development stage. L), Austin. Resolution 1997 of agricultural research conference, vol. 48, No.3, separate.
12, Effects of flower picking on senescence and metallurgy of broad beans. J. Xichang Agriculture. Junior college, 1999, 13( 1), solo.
13, Effects of accumulated aging on soybean quality and seedling growth during storage, 3rd International Conference on Soybean Processing and Utilization (ISPUC-III), 2000, solo.
14, Effects of Trace Elements on Physiological Effects and Yield of Broad Bean, Plant Physiological Communication,1984,20 (6), the first signature.
15, Effect of Micro-fertilizer on Broad Bean Yield, Sichuan Agricultural Science and Technology, 1984(4), sign first.
16, growth characteristics of broad beans and corresponding high-yield cultivation measures, Sichuan Agricultural Science and Technology, 1985(4), sign first.
17, study on high-yield growth law and cultivation techniques of broad beans, Sichuan crops, 1985(2), the first signature.
Preliminary Study on the Physiological Basis of Synergistic Improvement of Broad Bean Yield by Molybdenum, Phosphorus and Potassium, Plant Physiological Communication,1985,21(5), the first signature.
19, Effect of changing source-sink ratio on pod dropping of tofu, Plant Physiological Communication,1986,21(1), solo.
20. The relationship between the net assimilation rate (NAR) of broad beans and planting density and cultivation 1986(3), with signature as the priority.
2 1, Preliminary report on seed germination physiology of durum wheat, seeds, 1986(4), alone.
22. Relationship between main physiological indexes and yield of high-yield broad beans, Sichuan Agriculture,1987,2 (4), alone.
23. Effect of Vicia faba on seed germination, cold resistance and yield of Vicia faba seedlings, seed, 1987( 1), alone.
24. contribution of different levels of broad bean leaves to yield and photosynthetic compensation after defoliation, plant physiology communications,1987,23 (1), alone.
25. Effects of different light intensities on nitrogen fixation and sugar distribution of broad beans, plant physiology communications,1987,23 (3), solo.
26. Economic evaluation of growth characteristics and cultivation techniques of high-yield broad beans, cultivation, 1987(6), alone.
27. Effect of source-sink ratio on vegetative growth and senescence of Vicia faba, Plant Physiological Communication,1988,24 (2), alone.
28. Response of different broad bean varieties to light time, seed, 1988(2), alone.
29. Preliminary study on planting density and planting mode of broad bean, cultivation, 1988(6), signed first.
30. Effect of shading on pod setting and abscission of bean sprouts, Journal of Plant Ecology and Geotechnical Science, 1988, 13(2), solo.
3 1, nutritional characteristics, population structure and light energy distribution of high-yield broad beans, compilation of outstanding papers on crop youth science and technology in Sichuan Province, 1988, solo.
32. Analysis of soybean yield and yield structure under different light intensities, Soybean Science, 19887(2), alone.
33. Production and scientific research status of broad beans, world agriculture, 1989( 1 1), single book.
34. Effects of simulated acid rain on cell permeability, chemical composition and yield of tobacco, agricultural environmental protection,1989,8 (1), solo.
35. Farmland planting pattern and resource utilization analysis in the middle and lower reaches of Anning River, resource development and protection,1989,5 (4), alone.
36, talk about the maximum productivity and actual productivity of crops, plant physiology communications,1989,25 (6), alone.
37. General situation of broad bean production and research in the world, foreign agronomy-miscellaneous crops, 1990(2), solo flight.
38. Preliminary study on the effect of water deficit on photosynthetic characteristics of Vicia faba, Journal of Plant Ecology and Geo-botany, 1990, 14(3), solo.
39. Physiological Effects of Water Stress on Vicia faba during Flowering and Podding, plant physiology communications,1990,26 (1), alone.
40. Synergistic effect of gibberellin and other growth agents on broad bean yield, plant physiology communications,1990,26 (4), alone.
4 1, introduction to broad bean diseases, foreign agronomy-miscellaneous crops, 1990(3), solo.
42. Benefit and energy analysis of the four-cropping pattern of grain and vegetables in Dechang, resource development and protection,1990,6 (2), alone.
43. Competition Analysis of Intercropping Soybean, Soybean Science,1990,9 (1), separate.
44. Preliminary study on economic and ecological benefits of sugarcane planting in the middle and lower reaches of Anning River, Sichuan sugarcane, 1990( 1), alone.
45. Effect of soil water stress on nutrient absorption of broad bean, soil fertilizer, 199 1( 1), alone.
46. The role of fuzzy membership method in the identification of physiological and ecological drought resistance of broad beans, Agricultural research in arid areas, 199 1(2), alone.
47. Analysis of light and warm water resources and their production potential in Anning River Basin, resource development and protection, 199 1 year, 7( 1), single book.
48. Gradient Changes of Photosynthetic Physiology and Ecology of Plateau Stem Rice, Journal of Plant Ecology and Geo-botany, 1996, 15( 1), alone.
49. Preliminary Study on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Plateau Stem Rice, Plant Physiological Communication, 199 1 year, 27(3), solo flight.
50. Dynamics of leaf area and light energy distribution of sugarcane in the middle and lower reaches of Anning River, Sichuan sugarcane, 199 1(2), solo.
5 1, Genetic Variation and Breeding of Vicia faba, Proceedings of Sichuan Satellite Conference of the Second Annual Youth Academic Conference of China Association for Science and Technology, 1995, solo flight.
52. Effects of environmental factors on grain filling characteristics of broad beans, Journal of Southwest Agriculture,1994,7 (2), alone.
53. On the Eco-physiological Basis for Increasing the Yield of Broad Bean, The First National Symposium on Crop Cultivation and Crop Physiology, 1993, a single book.
54. The relationship between the changes of carbon and nitrogen content in broad beans and the abscission of young buds and flower pods, Plant Physiological Communication,1993,28 (2), solo.
55. Analysis of autumn crop resources and benefits, resource development and protection,1993,8 (4), alone.
656. Broad bean breeding objectives and selection of breeding methods, Selected Papers on crop breeding exploration, 1992, single book.
57. Contribution of Vicia faba stems and pods to grain yield, plant physiology communications,1992,29 (11), alone.
58. Gradient change of temperature and light ecological characteristics of plateau stalk rice, Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University,1993,8 (4), solo flight.
59. Functional objectives, technical adjustment, resource development and protection of high-yield and efficient planting of crops,1993,9 (2), alone.
60. High-yield and High-efficiency Rice Planting Pattern and Resource Utilization, Resource Development and Protection in Anning River Basin,1993,9 (2), solo flight.
6 1, Effects of different parts of flowers on the shedding and yield of tofu, Plant Physiological Communication,1994,30 (3), solo flight.
62. Research and Application of Plant Hormones in Broad Bean, Foreign Agronomy-Miscellaneous Crops, 1994(3), alone.
63. Improving the quality of workers is the key to agricultural development. Proceedings of the 2nd National Young Agronomy Academic Annual Conference, 1995, is a personal work.
64. Advantages of Agricultural Resources and Development Countermeasures in Panxi Area, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Resources, Environment and Economic Growth, 1995, a single book.
65. Crop production potential and its excavation measures in Anning River area, proceedings of the symposium on three-dimensional agricultural development in mountainous and hilly areas of Sichuan Province, 1995, solo flight.
66. Benefit analysis of maize special fertilizer for increasing production and income in middle and low yield areas, tillage and reclamation, 1995(6), alone.
67. In a market economy, agriculture must be protected and supported. Journal of Xichang Agricultural College, 1996, 10( 1), separate.
68. Regulation mechanism and technical selection of three-dimensional agricultural planting technology in mountainous areas, Journal of Xichang Agricultural College, 1996, 10(2), single copy.
69. Establishing three-level practical teaching to improve the quality of personnel training, Journal of Xichang Agricultural College, 1996, 10(3), single copy.
70. Effects of Shading on Broad Bean Yield and Nodule Growth, Journal of Southwest Agriculture, 1997, 10( 1), single copy.
7 1, Preliminary Study on Mathematical Model of Agronomic Measures for High-yield Cultivation of Intercropping Soybean, Journal of Xichang Agricultural College, 1997,1(4), Du.
72. Crop adversity and its application, Journal of Xichang Agricultural College, 1998, 12( 1), single book.
73. Development and utilization of wild guava resources in Panxi area, resource development and utilization, 1999, 15(5), the second sign.
74. Study on Natural Propagation Characteristics of Wild Guava in Panxi, Journal of Xichang Agricultural College, 1999, 13( 1), the second signature.
75. Preliminary study on biological effects of laser irradiation on onion seeds, Journal of Laser Biology,1999,8 (1), fourth signature.
76. Regression analysis of onion characters, Journal of Xichang Agricultural College, 1999, 13(3), the second signature.
77. Study on Breeding of a New Broad Bean Variety Lianghu No.5, Journal of Xichang Agricultural College, 1999, 13(2), single book.
78. Crop adversity and adversity resistance, Journal of Xichang Agricultural College, 1999, 12( 1), single book.
79. Study on the Cultivation Techniques of Maize with Yield per mu 1000 kg or more, Journal of Xichang Agricultural College, 1999, 13(4), the second signature.
80. Effect of accelerated aging on quality and individual development of soybean during storage, Journal of Xichang Agricultural College, 2000, 14( 1), single book.
8 1, Experimental Study on High-yielding Techniques of Sorghum, Journal of Xichang Agricultural College, 2000, 14(2), the third signature.
82. Breeding of a new broad bean variety "Lianghu No.6" and its supporting techniques, Journal of Xichang Agricultural College, 2000, 14(3), single book.
83. Effects of environmental factors on pod formation and shedding, Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University, 200 1, 19(4), solo.
84. Research and Practice of Higher Education and Teaching Reform in Ethnic Areas Facing the New Century, Higher Agricultural Education, 2002( 12), signed first.
85. Seeking countermeasures to meet the challenges of China's entry into WTO, Journal of Xichang Agricultural College, 2002, 16(2), solo.
86. The historical development and therapeutic characteristics of soybean dietotherapy in China, Journal of Xichang Agricultural College, 2003, 17( 1), single book.
87. A preliminary study on the implementation of credit system in agricultural colleges and universities in ethnic areas, Higher Agricultural Education, 2003(8), signed first.
88. Preliminary Report on Variety Breeding of Onion in Panxi, Journal of Xichang Agricultural College, 2003, 17(3), the second signature.
89. Propagation Methods and Cultivation Techniques of Pueraria lobata, Journal of Xichang Agricultural College, 2003, 17(4), second signature.
90. Germplasm Resources of Pueraria lobata in China and Its Application in Landscaping and Forestry Science and Technology, 2004,29 (4), No.2 Sign.
9 1, Study on the Exploitation and Sustainable Development of Pueraria lobata Resources in Panxi, Lin Deputy Specialty, 2004(6), the second sign.
92. The feeding value of Pueraria lobata and its application in animal husbandry in Panxi area, resource development and market, 2004,21(1), signed second.
93. Renew ideas, clarify tasks, and strive to build Xichang College into a well-known undergraduate institution. Journal of Xichang College (Social Science Edition), 2005, 17( 1), independent.
94. Human Activities and Living Environment, Journal of Xichang University (Natural Science Edition), 2005, 19( 1), solo.
95. Study on anti-nutritional factors of broad bean, Journal of Xichang College (Natural Science Edition), 2005, 19(2), solo.
96. Seize the opportunity, be pragmatic and meet the qualification evaluation of undergraduate teaching level, Journal of Xichang College (Social Science Edition), 2005, 17(2), solo.
97. Study on mutagenic effect of Co-V radiation dose on broad bean, Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University, 2005,23 (4), the second signature.
98. Biological characteristics and key points of reproduction and cultivation of Rhus verniciflua, by-products of China forest, 2005(5), the second sign.
99. Present situation and development prospect of comprehensive utilization of guava, China forest by-products, 2005(6), signed for the second time.
100, Characteristics, Challenges and Enlightenment of University Management in the United States and Canada, Journal of Xichang University (Natural Science Edition), 2005, 19(3), solo.
10 1, the discovery of variation types of guava in Panxi area and its significance, Journal of Xichang University (Natural Science Edition), 2005, 19(3), the second signature.
102, Study on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Broad Bean Varieties in Different Ecological Regions, Journal of Xichang College (Natural Science Edition), 2005(4), the first signature.
103, background and characteristics of the 11th Five-Year Plan of Xichang College, Journal of Xichang College (Natural Science Edition), 20, 2006 (1), solo.
104, Effects of light, temperature and moisture on photosynthetic rate of wild buckwheat, Journal of Xichang College (Natural Science Edition), 2006,20 (2), the first signature.
105, on energy utilization and material circulation of three-dimensional agriculture, Journal of Xichang University (Natural Science Edition), 2006,20 (4), solo.
106, yield stability analysis of adzuki bean new strain "XH995" in multi-point test, miscellaneous crops, 2006, 26(3), signed third.
107, Study on the Characteristics and Geographical Distribution of Wild Buckwheat Resources in Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, Crop Journal, 2006, (5), the second signature.
108, contribution of leaves at different levels to yield of kidney beans during flowering and pod setting, Journal of Northwest Agriculture, 2006, 15(5), with the second signature.
109, correctly understand the connotation of a harmonious society and improve the ability to build a harmonious society, Journal of Xichang University (Social Science Edition), 2006, 18(4), solo.
1 10, on the feasibility and rationality of three-dimensional ecological agriculture, Journal of Xichang University (Natural Science Edition), 2007,21(1), solo.
1 1 1. Assess the situation, seize the opportunity and ensure the quality of undergraduate teaching. Journal of Xichang College (Social Science Edition), 2007, 19(2), solo.
1 12, success depends on details, Journal of Xichang University (Natural Science Edition), 2007,21(2), solo.
1 13, a new species of Fagopyrum (Polygonaceae) from Sichuan, China, Journal of Xichang College (Natural Science Edition), 2007,21(2), the first signature.
1 14, the key lies in implementation, Journal of Xichang University (Natural Science Edition), 2007,21(3), solo.
1 15, study on photosynthetic characteristics of broad bean varieties in different ecological areas, study on key technologies for increasing grain production and income in Panxi area, 2007, the first signature.
1 16, Study on the Characteristics and Geographical Distribution of Wild Buckwheat Resources in Liangshan, Journal of Chengdu University, 2007,27 (2), the second signature.
1 17, study on the original habitat and main distribution center of wild buckwheat resources in Liangshan, Sichuan, Journal of Xichang College (Natural Science Edition), 2007,27 (2), the second signature.
1 18, morphological characteristics and habitats of three new species of Fagopyrum in Panxi, Sichuan, China. Research progress of buckwheat, 10 international symposium on buckwheat. Northwest Agricultural University. F University (NWAFU), 2007, the second signature.
1 19, Variety differences between Canadian and Japanese buckwheat varieties under the condition of long sunshine before flowering and short sunshine after flowering, 10 Proceedings of the International Buckwheat Symposium. Northwest Agricultural University. F University (NWAFU), 2007, with the third signature.
120, Investigation on Wild Buckwheat Germplasm Resources in Panzhihua City, Modern Agricultural Science and Technology, 2007, (9), signed second.