Usually read more books to accumulate, and finally complete, just sum up some points. Will write an argumentative essay. If it is an open proposition, we must understand it carefully. Generally speaking, it is to give a passage and learn something from it. It's easy to digress in writing an article with this. Read carefully and understand the central idea, which is the main argument of the article, and give the article around the main argument. Take a name, find an argument, and you can write according to the steps of proposition composition.
It is necessary to explain clearly the place and time when things happened; Write clearly what happened and what happened. One thing can never be separated from six aspects: time, place, people, things, cause and effect. Therefore, only by writing these aspects clearly can others understand what you have written.
However, the explanation of these six aspects should not be rigid, but should be flexibly mastered according to the needs of the article. Time and place don't have to be pointed out directly, but sometimes they can be expressed indirectly by describing the characteristics and changes of natural scenery.