The origin of flute in foreign countries is also very old. Most notably, during the period from 14 to 15, Spanish colonists completely destroyed the inherent culture of Peru and other places. Prior to this, the local Indians in Peru established the "Inca Kingdom", and the Incas had a highly developed culture. Archaeologists found in the unearthed Inca cultural relics that the Incas had various musical instruments, including many flutes. Moreover, there are flutes made of different materials (such as animal bones and clay). Geographically, these flutes and other musical instruments were created by the Incas and are unlikely to come from other places. It seems that the flute is indeed a very old folk musical instrument.
Eggshells have to be broken by themselves.
Every eggshell is wrapped in a possibility of life. Whether it is yellow or chicken after being broken depends on whe