1900, Planck put forward the hypothesis that the energy radiated (or absorbed) by matter can only be an integer multiple of a certain minimum energy unit, which is called quantum hypothesis, marking the beginning of quantum physics. Poincare put forward the view that absolute motion is unobservable, and that the laws of physical phenomena must be the same for observers with uniform motion, which is called the principle of relativity. Sabin put forward the reverberation time formula, which initiated the study of architectural acoustics, and Rayleigh published the blackbody radiation formula suitable for long wave range. Vilade discovered that there is another kind of radioactive ray that is not affected by magnetic field, called gamma ray.
1902, Gibbs' Basic Principles of Statistical Mechanics was published, and statistical ensemble theory was founded. Lerner published the empirical law of photoelectric effect, and Hevesy put forward the ionosphere hypothesis, which was later confirmed by Aptom's experiment.
1903, Rutherford and Soddy put forward the evolution theory of radiation on elements.
1904, Lorenz put forward the transformation relation of time and space coordinates of high-speed moving reference system, which is called Lorenz transformation.
1905, Einstein published a paper on electrodynamics of moving objects, founded the special theory of relativity, revealed the essential relationship between time and space, caused great changes in the basic concepts of physics, and initiated a new century in physics; Put forward the light quantum theory, explain the photoelectric phenomenon, reveal the wave-particle duality of microscopic objects, and solve the Brownian motion problem with the molecular motion theory; Finding the equivalence between mass and energy (mass-energy relationship) opens the way for the release and application of atomic energy in theory.
1906, Einstein published the quantum theory of solid heat capacity. Bakla discovered the unique X-ray radiation of various elements through absorption experiments.
In 1906 ~ 19l2, Nernst came to the conclusion that the entropy of condensed system tends to zero with thermodynamic temperature during isothermal process, which is called Nernst theorem. In 19 12, he put forward the principle that absolute zero cannot be achieved, that is, two expressions of the third law of thermodynamics.
1907, Minkowski put forward a four-dimensional expression of special relativity, which provided a useful mathematical tool for the further development of relativity. Weiss put forward the molecular field theory of ferromagnetism and introduced the hypothesis of magnetic domain.
1908, Perrin confirmed Einstein's theoretical prediction of Brownian motion through the distribution experiment of Brownian particles in gravity-buoyancy field, and declared the final victory of atomism.
1909, marsden and Geiger confirmed the existence of strong electric field inside the atom in the experiment of α particle scattering.
19 10 years, Millikan accurately measured the charge of electrons by oil drop method, which is called Millikan oil drop experiment. Bridgman invented a high-pressure device by using the principle of unsupported surface sealing discovered by himself, and the pressure can reach 2× 109 Pa.
19 1 1 year Camelin-Agnes found that the resistance of pure mercury samples disappeared at the low temperature of 4.22-4.27 K, and then it was found that metals such as lead and tin also had such a phenomenon, which was called superconductivity. This discovery opened up a whole new field of physics. Rutherford explained the large-angle scattering experiment of alpha particles, put forward the atomic model with nucleus, and established the concept of nucleus. Hess and others climbed to12,000 feet in a balloon for altitude measurement. According to the phenomenon that atmospheric ionization increases with height, they found the radiation from space-cosmic rays. The first Solvay Physics Conference was held in Brussels.
19 12 years, Laue studied the X-ray diffraction of crystals and confirmed the fluctuation of X-rays. After X-rays are diffracted, they are recorded by photographic film, and many regular black spots are obtained, which are called Laue spots or Laue patterns. Debye deduced the cubic law of solid heat capacity at low temperature. J.J. Tang Musun discovered the isotopes of non-radioactive elements through the study of canal rays.
19 13, Bohr published the theory of hydrogen atom structure, explained the spectrum of hydrogen atom with quantum transition hypothesis, and Frank and Hertz conducted electron collision experiments, which provided experimental basis for Bohr's theory of hydrogen atom structure. Stark found that the spectral lines emitted by the light source in the strong electric field split, which is called Stark effect. Diesel discovered the relationship between the spectral line frequency of an element's atomic spectrum and its atomic number, which is called Moselle's law. Through the study of X-ray spectrum, Bragg and his son put forward the diffraction theory of crystal and established Bragg formula, which laid the foundation for the analysis of X-ray structure of crystal.
On the basis of Mosele's work in 19 14, Sigman discovered a series of new X-rays and accurately measured the X-ray spectra of various elements. Chadwick pointed out that in the process of β decay, the released β ray has a continuous spectrum.
19 15, Einstein established the general theory of relativity, put forward the complete form of the gravitational equation of the general theory of relativity, and successfully explained the motion of mercury at perihelion, which is recognized as one of the greatest achievements in the history of human thought. Sommerfeld introduced spatial quantization into Bohr atom, and considered relativistic effect in electron motion.
19 16 Einstein deduced Planck radiation formula according to the concept of quantum transition and put forward stimulated radiation theory, which later developed into the theoretical basis of laser technology. Millikan confirmed Einstein's photoelectric equation through experiments.
19 17 Einstein and de sitter respectively published the theory of finite unbounded cosmology, which initiated modern scientific cosmology. Langevin uses piezoelectric sensors to generate powerful ultrasonic waves.
Bohr put forward the correspondence principle between quantum theory and classical theory in 19 18.
19 19 Eddington and others observed solar eclipses in Brazil and the Gulf of Guinea, which confirmed Einstein's prediction that gravity would bend light. Rutherford bombarded the nitrogen nucleus with alpha particles to produce protons, which realized the artificial nuclear reaction for the first time. Aston invented the mass spectrometer and accurately determined the mass of isotopes.
1920—— 1922 Compton Through experiments, it was found that after X-rays were scattered by crystals, there were waves with increased wavelength in the scattered waves, which was later called Compton effect. In 1922, the simple collision theory of photons and free electrons is adopted to correctly explain this effect. Wu participated in the pioneering work of Compton X-ray scattering research, and verified Compton effect with exquisite experimental technology and excellent theoretical analysis.
In 1923, Debye put forward a theory to explain the apparent ionization degree of strong electrolyte in solution, which is called the theory of ion mutual attraction.
1924, de Broglie put forward the hypothesis that microscopic particles have wave-particle duality, which is called de Broglie wave, also known as matter wave. Considering the quantization of the motion state of microscopic particles and the "isotropy" of microscopic particles, Bose announced the statistical law of photon obedience, and then Einstein supplemented it and established Bose-Einstein statistics.
1925, Heisenberg proposed that the unobservable mechanical quantities such as the position and momentum of microscopic particles should be expressed by the observable frequency and intensity of their emission spectra through certain operations (matrix law), and matrix mechanics was founded. Then he developed matrix mechanics with Born and Jordan. Pauli put forward a principle that two or more electrons in a multi-electron atom cannot be in the same quantum state, which is called Pauli exclusion principle, also known as exclusion principle. Compton Simon Geiger Bert proved the conservation of energy and momentum in a single microscopic process. Uhlenbeck and Guzmi put forward the theory of electron spin.
1926, Schrodinger founded wave mechanics on the basis of de Broglie's material wave hypothesis, proved the equivalence between matrix mechanics and wave mechanics, and published wave equations meeting the requirements of relativity. Born put forward the statistical explanation of Schrodinger wave function. Fermi and Dirac independently put forward the statistical laws followed by particles bound by Pauli exclusion principle, which was later called Fermi-Dirac statistics. When studying the shape of long-distance radio waves, Aptom found that there is a reflecting or refracting layer above the ground 150 miles, which is more conductive than other layers. This is the so-called Aptom layer. Goddard launched a rocket propelled by liquid oxygen and gasoline. Vavilov observed the phenomenon of violating Bouguer's law in uranium glass, that is, nonlinear phenomenon.
1927 Heisenberg proposed that there is a basic limit to the accuracy of determining each dynamic variable of microscopic particles. This assertion is called uncertainty principle, and its concrete mathematical expression is called uncertainty relation. Bohr put forward the complementary principle of quantum mechanics. Davisson, Gemma and Tom Musun obtained the diffraction patterns of electrons through experiments respectively, which confirmed the existence of de Broglie wave and electron fluctuation. Wigner put forward the concept of space parity (left-right symmetry) conservation.
1928, Dirac proposed relativistic quantum mechanics, which linked the relativistic motion of electrons with spin and magnetic moment. Raman, Manstein and Landsberg independently found that there are new different wavelength components in scattered light, which are closely related to the structure of scattered matter, and later called Raman effect. Gamov, Condon and others explained radioactive decay with wave mechanics. Heisenberg explained ferromagnetism with the exchange energy of quantum mechanics. Somervi proposed to explain the specific heat with the metal electron theory of quantum mechanism. Geiger and Maitreya invented Geiger-Maitreya counter to calculate ionizing radiation.
1929 Heisenberg, Pauli and others put forward the relativistic quantum field theory. Debye put forward the concept of molecular dipole moment. Hubble found that the spectral line redshift (galaxy regression speed) of extragalactic galaxies is proportional to the distance. Kapitza found that the resistance of various metals increases linearly with the magnetic field strength, which is the so-called Kapitza law. Tonks and Langmuir put forward the density wave of electrons in plasma, which is called Langmuir wave.
1930, Dirac put forward the hole theory of positrons. Pauli put forward neutrino hypothesis to explain the continuity of β decay spectrum.
193 1 year, dirac put forward the theory of magnetic monism. Wilson put forward the quantum theory of semiconductor energy band model. Van der Graf invented a device for generating electrostatic high voltage, which is called van der Graf starter.
1932, chadwick investigated the repeated experiments of bombarding boron and beryllium with alpha particles in detail, and found neutrons. In the experimental observation of cosmic rays, Anderson discovered positrons, that is, antiparticles of matter were discovered for the first time. Prior to this, Zhao Zhongyao and others discovered the "special laser" related to 1929 to 1930 positrons. Yuri and others discovered heavy hydrogen (deuterium) and heavy water. Tam proposed that there are local surface electronic states on the surface interrupted by periodic field, which opened the research of surface physics. Lawrence and Livingston built a cyclotron. Cockcroft and Wharton built a high-voltage multiplier to accelerate protons, and achieved artificial nuclear division for the first time. Insult the three treasures. Yin Wannianke independently published the hypothesis that the nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons. Nair established the theory of antiferromagnetism. Noel and ruska introduced the transmission electron microscope, which broke through the resolution limit of the optical microscope. The Chinese Physical Society was proclaimed.
From 65438 to 0933, Cleeton and Williams used microwave technology to explore the spectral lines of ammonia molecules, which marked the beginning of microwave spectroscopy. Fermi established the neutrino theory of β decay. Meissner and Ochsenfeld found that when a metal is in superconducting state, its magnetic induction intensity is zero, which is called Messner effect. Giauque carried out the adiabatic demagnetization cooling experiment of paramagnetic body, and obtained a low temperature of several thousandths. Blackett used the cloud chamber photography technology controlled by automatic counter to study cosmic rays. From the trajectory of cosmic rays, the phenomenon of pairing of positive and negative electrons was found.
1943, Aurio and Curie bombarded the nucleus with alpha particles and discovered artificial radionuclides. Fermi irradiated almost all chemical elements with neutrons and found that slow neutrons can strongly induce nuclear reactions. Cherenkov found that high-speed electrons emit weak blue visible light in various transparent liquids and solids with high refractive index, which is called cherenkov effect.
1935, Einstein, together with Podolski and Rosen, published a paper challenging Copenhagen School, called EPR Paradox, claiming that the description of reality in quantum mechanics is incomplete, which triggered a debate on two viewpoints of quantum mechanics. Hideki Yukawa published the meson field theory of nuclear force and predicted the existence of mesons. The London brothers put forward the macroscopic electrodynamics theory of superconductivity. Zelnik proposed the phase contrast method, and Zeiss Factory manufactured the phase contrast microscope.
During the study of 1936 cosmic rays, Anderson and Niedermeyer found that mesons with the same mass but different properties predicted by Hideki Yukawa were called muons. Bohr put forward the concept of compound nucleus of nucleus, thinking that low-energy neutrons will interact with many nuclei after entering the nucleus and excite them, thus leading to the disintegration of the nucleus. Landau put forward the second-order phase transition theory, that is, the internal energy, entropy and volume remain unchanged, but the heat capacity, expansion coefficient and compression coefficient suddenly change. De Sterio found that some phosphors emit light in a sufficiently strong alternating electric field, which is called electroluminescence, also known as electroluminescence.
1937, Kapitza found that when the temperature is lower than 2. 17K, the velocity of liquid helium flowing through the slit has nothing to do with the pressure difference, which is called superfluidity. Tam and Frank put forward a theory to explain Cherenkov radiation, Rabe made a radio telescope, and Qian Xuesen completed the calculation of the influence of nozzle diffusion angle of rocket engine on thrust. Zhang Wenyu cooperated with others to discover the formation of radioactive aluminum 28 and the vibration effect of magnesium 25, and found that radioactive lithium 8 released alpha particles.
1938, Hahn and Straman bombarded uranium with neutrons to produce major alkaline earth elements, which directly led to the discovery of nuclear fission. Rabbi et al. invented the RF vibrating magnetic spectrometer of atomic beam or molecular beam to accurately measure nuclear spin and nuclear magnetic moment. London put forward a statistical theory to explain superfluidity by Bose Einstein statistics. Tissa put forward a two-fluid model of helium ⅱ, and predicted the existence of thermal wave, that is, the second sound wave. Bette and weizsacker independently speculated that the energy of the sun may come from the thermonuclear reaction of hydrogen fusion into helium nucleus, and put forward two nuclear reaction hypotheses, namely carbon cycle and proton-proton chain, to explain the huge energy of the sun and stars.
1939, Oppenheimer and Snyder predicted the existence of black holes according to the general theory of relativity. Bohr, Wheeler and Frank put forward a droplet model of nuclear to explain heavy nuclear fission phenomenon. Maitenaz and frisch hate to use the droplet model to explain uranium nuclear fission, and predict that each fission will release a lot of energy. Dade invented a speech analysis and synthesis system to compress the telephone frequency band, that is, the passband vocoder.
1940 schiff and Macmillan artificially synthesized transuranic elements neptunium and plutonium. Pauli proved that particles with integer spin quantum numbers obey bose-einstein statistics's law; Particles with a spin quantum number of half an integer obey Fermi-Dirac statistical law. Alvarez and Bloch published the measurement results of neutron magnetic moment, and the cyclotron can still be built. Qian Sanqiang discovered the dichotomy; He and he discovered the quartering method. Qian Weichang put forward the unified theory of internal grasping of plates and shells.
194 1 year, Landau put forward the quantum theory of superfluidity of helium ⅱ. Rossi and Hall confirmed the relativistic effect of time through meson decay experiments. Bridgman invented a high-voltage device that can generate 10 10 Pa.
1942, under the guidance of Fermi, szilard and others, the United States built the first fission reactor. Masaichi Sakata put forward the hypothesis of two mesons and two neutrinos. It is pointed out that muons are not Yukawa mesons. Hamilton and Peng explained the phenomenon of cosmic rays with the theory of nuclear mesons.
1943 Heisenberg put forward the scattering matrix theory of particle interaction.
1944, wexler put forward the principle of automatic phase stabilization, paving the way for the invention of high-energy accelerator. Tovoysky used paramagnetic salts containing iron-based elements as samples, and observed paramagnetic vibration in solid matter. Braun developed a V-2 long-range rocket. Qian Xuesen participated in the development of the "private armor" missile, and later successfully developed several other missiles.
1945 under the leadership of Oppenheimer, the United States exploded the world's first atomic bomb.
1946, Ichiro Chao Yongzhen put forward the concept of "renormalization" of quantum electrodynamics. Purcell, Bloch and others realized the vibrational absorption of hydrogen nuclei in solid paraffin and liquid water molecules respectively. Alvarez built a proton linac, which laid the foundation for the development of linac.
1947, Powell and others discovered π mesons in cosmic rays. Rochester found strange particles in cosmic rays. Kush and others discovered the abnormal magnetic moment of electrons. Lamb and Rutherford studied the energy level structure of hydrogen atom and found that the two overlapping energy levels in Dirac's electronic theory are actually separated, which is called Lamb shift. Bate improved quantum electrodynamics with the concept of mass renormalization and explained Lamb displacement. I.llyaPrigogine put forward the principle of minimum entropy generation in thermodynamics of irreversible process. Kalman and others invented the scintillation counter, and Ge Tingsui laid the theoretical foundation in the field of "anelasticity" in the study of metal internal friction. Internationally, the torsion pendulum he created and used to study internal friction is called Grignard torsion pendulum, and the peak of grain boundary internal friction he first discovered is called Grignard peak. Huang Kun put forward the theory of X-ray diffuse scattering by studying impurity defects in solids, which is called yellow scattering internationally.
From 1947 to 1948, Badin put forward the theory of semiconductor surface state, and discovered the transistor effect with Elaton, which led to the invention of point contact transistor. A month later, shockley invented the PR junction transistor.
In 1948, Schwinge explained the abnormal magnetic moment of electrons with the concept of electron mass renormalization. Feynman developed quantum electrodynamics with the concept of renormalization of mass and charge, and Nair put forward the molecular field theory of ferromagnetism. Dennis gabor put forward the holographic theory of three-dimensional images of objects. The discovery of μ- 1 subatomic particles and μ- 1 subatomic atoms, known internationally as stretch atoms and stretch radiation, broke through the Rutherford-Bohr atomic model and opened up a new field of exotic atom research.
1949, Mayer and Jensen proposed the shell structure model of nuclear. Gamov put forward the primitive fireball theory of the origin of the universe.
1950, Landau and Gunzburg put forward the equation that the macroscopic wave function of superconducting state should satisfy. Huang Kun and Reese put forward the quantum theory of multi-phonon radiation and non-radiation transition, which is called Huang-Reese theory internationally. Hong discovered the conduction phenomenon on impurity energy level and formed the concept of impurity conduction. Wu Zhonghua put forward the three-dimensional flow theory of turbomachinery.
195 1 year, Demeter and Kr observed the quadrupole moment * * * vibration signals of 35CL and 37CL nuclei in solid. Huang Kun put forward the coupled oscillation equation of phonons and electromagnetic waves in crystals, which is called Huang equation internationally.
1952 A. Bohr and Mo Daisen put forward the collective model of nuclear structure. Bubble chamber invented by Glazer is used to detect the trajectory of high-energy particles. The United States exploded the first hydrogen bomb in the world.
1954, Gail-Mann introduced the singularity of nucleon, meson and hyperon, and found that singularity is conserved in strong interaction. Downs and others (including China scholar Wang) obtained the amplification and oscillation of ammonia maser, and Basov and prokhorov independently developed the same microwave maser almost at the same time, becoming pioneers of quantum electronics.
1955, based on the idea that the material structure has infinite layers, Sakata Shyoichi proposed a composite model of strongly interacting particles. Chamberlain and Seagray successively discovered antiprotons and antineutrons.
1956, Li Zhengdao and Yang Zhenning put forward the weak interaction non-conservation, and Kierst and O 'Neill put forward the principle of building a particle collider.
1957, Wu Jianxiong and others used decay experiments to prove that the word name is not conserved in weak interaction, which has a far-reaching impact on the whole physical field. Badin, schrieffer and Cooper published BCS theory of superconductivity, which became the first microscopic theory to explain superconductivity successfully. Mossbauer discovered the phenomenon of vibration absorption of γ -rays without recoil, which was called Mossbauer effect and later developed into Mossbauer spectroscopy. Lawson put forward the condition of energy gain in controlled thermonuclear reaction experiment, which is called Lawson criterion. The Soviet Union launched the world's first artificial earth satellite.
1958, Luo Xiao and downs put forward the design principle of stimulated emission to generate super-strong beam and monochromatic optical amplifier, which promoted the development of laser technology.
1959 Wang, Ding Dazhao discovered the negative hyperon. Esaki Reona discovered the single electron tunneling effect of superconductors. Van Allen predicted that there was a strong radiation belt on the earth, which was later called the Van Allen belt.
1960, Maiman made a ruby laser. He attributed his success to insisting on using ruby as a working material, while other research groups gave up using this material because they were worried that ruby could not produce laser. Four months later, Jia Wan and others made a helium-ammonia laser.
196 1 year, Gail-Mann and Naiman respectively put forward an eight-state scheme to classify hadrons by SU(3) symmetry, and the United States began the Apollo spacecraft landing on the moon.
Josephson predicted a quantum effect of superconductors in 1962, which laid the foundation for the development of superconducting electronics. Two kinds of neutrinos-electron neutrinos and muon neutrinos-have been discovered in Bruhaven National Laboratory.
1964, Gail-Mann and Zwick proposed the quark model of hadron structure. Samus found ω particles in bubble chamber, which supported the symmetry theory of SU(3). China successfully exploded the first atomic bomb.
1965, China and Beijing Basic Particle Theory Group proposed the straton model of hadron structure.
1967 China successfully exploded the first hydrogen bomb.
In1967-1968, Weinberg and Salam put forward the standard model of unified theory of electromagnetic interaction and weak interaction respectively.
1969, the American spaceship Apollo 1 1 landed on the moon successfully for the first time, and I.llyaPrigogine explicitly put forward the theory of dissipative structure for the first time.
In 1970, Esaki Reona put forward the concept of super-drop. China successfully launched the first artificial earth satellite.
1972, Gail-Mann put forward the concept of quark "color" quantum number.
1973, the weak neutral current was discovered by hassell Tete and Ben Weinu, respectively, which supported the theory of electric weak unity.
1974, a long-lived massive particle was discovered in Ding Zhaozhong and Li Xite respectively.
1975, Pell and others discovered tau, which increased leptons to the third generation.
1976, the American lander landed on Mars and successfully sent back tens of thousands of photos of the surface of Mars.
Gamma particles were discovered by Lederman in 1977.
1979, Ding Zhaozhong and others discovered the phenomenon of three jets at the Petra electron-positron collider in Hamburg, which provided experimental basis for the existence of gluons.
1980, kriging discovered the quantum hall effect. China successfully launched its first launch vehicle into a predetermined area of the Pacific Ocean.
1983, Lu Biya and others discovered intermediate bosons W+, W- and ZO, which were predicted by the theory of weak electric unity and weak transmission interaction.
1984, Princeton University and Lawrence Livermore Laboratory bombarded carbon, selenium and gadolinium targets with high-power lasers with power of about 1 trillion watts, and obtained X-ray lasers which were 100 times stronger than conventional X-rays, thus further promoting the development of lasers. American Business Machines Corporation developed a device called "optical compressor", which produced the shortest optical pulse in the world, only 12× 10- 15 seconds.
1985, the principle experiment of atomic laser separation of uranium isotopes in China Academy of Sciences was successful.
1986, the "Super Phoenix" breeder reactor nuclear power plant jointly built by six European countries was officially put into operation in Crema.
From 1986 to 1987, Bernoz and Mueller discovered new metal oxide ceramic superconductors with a critical transition temperature of 35K. On this basis, Zhu Jingwu et al. obtained superconductors with a transition temperature of 98K, and Zhao Zhongxian et al. obtained superconductors with an initial transition temperature above 100K in the liquid nitrogen temperature range, and announced the composition of YBCO for the first time.
1988, the Stewart Observatory in the United States discovered a galaxy1700 million light years away, which is farther than the known quasars with a red shift of 4.43. This discovery pushed back the time when the universe first formed stars as we know it10 billion years. The China-Beijing Electron-Positron Collider successfully collided for the first time.
From 65438 to 0989, the Stanford Linear Electron Accelerator Experimental Group and the European Large Electron-Positron Collider concluded from the relationship between the yield of ZO particles and the collision energy that there are only three kinds of subatomic particles. Researchers from Western Europe and Northern Europe 14 countries heated deuterium to10.50 billion degrees Celsius, which restrained such a high-temperature plasma and set a new record for thermonuclear fusion research. Japan has developed the world's first Josephson electronic computer using all Josephson superconducting devices, with an operation speed of 65.438 billion times per second and a power consumption of 6.2 milliwatts. Only one thousandth of the power consumption of a conventional electronic computer. Three American space shuttles were successfully launched four times. Among them, the space shuttle Atlantis sent the Galileo spacecraft into space, which will fly to Jupiter for exploration six years later.
1990, Huang tingjue and others developed the world's first optical information digital processor. The photon element of this machine is a group of optical converters, the switching speed is 1 100 million times per second and it is made of gallium arsenide. The world's first low-temperature nuclear heating reactor with pressure shell, built by China Tsinghua University Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology, has been put into operation. The "Long March III" carrier rocket developed by China accurately put the "Asia 1" satellite into the predetermined orbit, and successfully used China's carrier rocket as a foreign launch satellite for the first time.
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