Advantages: convenient search and many resources.
Disadvantages: there are advertisements, which are easy to cause interference during use.
Introduction: There are many links to domestic and foreign academic search websites in the navigation module at the lower right of Baidu academic homepage. Click the corresponding link directly to enter the relevant database or platform.
2. Google Academic
Advantages: high-quality foreign literature, powerful search function.
Introduction: This is the most commonly used academic search engine for White Lamb, but it is impossible to use Google Academic normally in Chinese mainland. If you have the conditions to use Google Academic, you can use it as the first choice, and the use method is similar to Baidu Academic.
3. Ice Science
Advantages: Rich in resources, not just papers.
Disadvantages: there are not so many index entries, and the search results are not so accurate.
Introduction: Bing academic search will have a wider scope, and it is a global search engine built by Microsoft team. It would be better to log in with Google browser. In general, we use Baidu Academic to solve problems.