Format of references in papers
Periodical: [No.] Author, title, periodical name (foreign language can be abbreviated), publication year, volume number (issue number); Start and end page numbers.
Works: [No.] Author, title, edition (not written in the first edition), place of publication: publishing house, year of publication, and page numbers.
Essay: [No.] Author. Title. See the name of the editor-in-chief (in English). The title of the article. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication. Start and end page numbers.
Other forms of references should also indicate the basic information in as much detail as possible. There are more than two authors, separated by commas, and finally 1 author is marked with a dot. If there are more than three authors, only three are listed, and "et al." or "et al." are used after the third author, and other authors are omitted.
How to write English names: English names adopt the method of surname first and name last, and only the first letter is written in the name. For example, the English names of McDonald's M.C. are separated by commas instead of "&"or "and".
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