The microelectronic circuit design of Richard C.Jaeger (USA) blalock.
Second, expand:
1, book information:
Press: Electronic Industry Press; Version 1 (20 1 1 year 1 month 1 day)
Foreign Name: Microelectronic Circuit Design
Series Name: Foreign Electronic and Communication Textbooks Series
Paperback: 1334 pages
Text language: English
Format: 16
ISBN:9787 12 1 127 120,7 12 1 127 12 1
Bar code: 9787121127120.
Size: 25.8 x18.4 x 4.6cm.
Weight: 2 kg
2. Introduction to the author:
Author: (America) Richard C. Jaeger (America)
3. Introduction:
The first part introduces solid-state electronics and devices, discusses the development of electronics and circuit analysis methods, the working principle, I-V characteristics and SPICE model of microelectronic devices. The second part is digital circuit, including the basic concept of digital circuit, CMOS circuit, storage circuit, bipolar logic circuit such as ECL and TTL, BiCMOS circuit. The third part is analog circuit. Based on the ideal operational amplifier and SPICE simulation, the related characteristics, small signal model, specific analysis method and integrated design technology of operational amplifiers with different structures are introduced. Finally, the frequency response, feedback and oscillator of the amplifier are discussed. By studying Microelectronic Circuit Design (Fourth Edition) (English Edition), we can understand modern microelectronic circuit design, including analog and digital, separation and integration, and understanding the internal structure is also conducive to the correct selection of integrated circuits in system design. Audience: Microelectronic Circuit Design (Fourth Edition) (English Edition) is suitable for bilingual teaching materials or reference books for undergraduate students majoring in electronic information, and can also be used as reference materials for engineers and technicians in related fields.
4. Contents
Preface 20
first part
Solid-state electronics and devices 1
Chapter 1 Introduction to Electronics 3
A brief history of electronic products:
From vacuum tube to gigabit
Integration 5
1.2 electronic signal classification 8
1.2. 1 digital signal 9
1.2.2 analog signal 9
1.2.3 A/D and D/A converters-bridging analog and digital domains 10
1.3 symbol convention 12
1.4 problem solving method 13
1.5 Important concepts from circuit theory 15
1.5. 1 voltage and current division 15
1.5.2 Th '
Evenin and Norton Circuit Representation 16
1.6 electronic spectrum
Signal 2 1
1.7 amplifier 22
1.7. 1 ideal operational amplifier 23
1.7.2 amplifier frequency response 25
1.8 component changes in circuit design 26
1.8. 1 tolerance mathematical modeling 26
1.8.2 Worst case analysis 27
1.8.3 Monte Carlo analysis 29
1.8.4 temperature coefficient 32
1.9 numerical precision 34
Summary 34
Key terms 35
Reference 36
Additional reading 36
Question 37
Chapter 2 Solid-state Electronics Page 42
2. 1 solid electronic materials 44
2.2 Covalent bond model 45
Drift current and mobility in 2.3
Semiconductor 48
Drift current 48
Liquidity 49
Velocity saturation 49
2.4 resistivity of intrinsic silicon 50
2.5 impurities in semiconductors 5 1
2.5. 1 Donor Impurities in Silicon 52
Acceptor impurity 52 in silicon
2.6 Doped electron and hole concentration
Semiconductor 52
2.6. 1 n material (ND & gtNA) 53
2.6.2 p-type material (NA & gtND) 54
2.7 Doped Mobility and Resistivity
Semiconductor 55
2.8 Diffusion current 59
2.9 Total current 60
2. 10 band model 6 1
Generation of electron-hole pairs in intrinsic semiconductors
2. Band model of10.2 doped semiconductor 62
2. 10.3 compensation semiconductor 62
2. 1 1 Overview of integrated circuits
Manufacturing 64
Summary 67
Key terms 68
Reference 69
Supplementary reading 69
Important equation 69
Question 70