10 to 20 years old, this is the basic growth process of life, negative entropy is greater than entropy increase, negative entropy and entropy increase are almost equal from a certain difference to 20 years old, and entropy becomes negative and gradually approaches zero. At the age of 20, life is basically mature. At this time, negative entropy is equal to entropy increase, entropy change is equal to zero, biological entropy enters a low entropy state, and life begins to enter a consolidation period. During this period, due to the rapid and normal development of living tissues, tissue cells continue to grow in large numbers, representing the rapid increase of ordered groups with reduced entropy. Due to the increase of life organization, the entropy increase caused by life activities continues to increase. The biological entropy decreases, and the entropy becomes negative. From a certain value to around zero, life continues to grow.
About 20 to 35 years old, this is the consolidation period of life. Negative entropy increases from about equal to entropy to equal to entropy increase, entropy becomes slightly negative, and entropy changes from about equal to zero to equal to zero, so life is in a relatively low entropy equilibrium state. During this period, both negative entropy and entropy increase are in a relatively large equilibrium state, and all indicators of life are in the best state. Life is in a vigorous stage, and both negative entropy flow and entropy increase flow are relatively large.
About 35 to 50 years old, this is the preparation period of life aging. The negative entropy increases from equal to about equal to and less than entropy, and the entropy becomes slightly positive, from equal to zero to about equal to zero, and life is still in a relatively low entropy equilibrium state. Life is in a vigorous stage, with both negative entropy flow and entropy increase flow relatively large, and the vital signs are slightly lower than the previous stage.
After the age of 50, life begins to enter the aging period. The negative entropy is slightly less than the entropy increase, and the entropy becomes positive. Both negative entropy and entropy increase are decreasing in the process of life, but entropy has begun to increase slowly. During this period, due to the decline of various human functions, the ability of tissue reconstruction, the increase of free radicals and other garbage components in human tissues, the degree of organization began to decline, the negative entropy flow decreased, the entropy flow increased, but the entropy change increased. With the passage of time, the biological entropy gradually increases and the degree of order gradually decreases.