Look at the code I wrote. Encryption and decryption functions can be found on the Internet. When refreshing the page, there will be a chance of garbled code! You can change it yourself, but it must be reversible.
& lt? Server-side programming language (abbreviation of professional hypertext preprocessor)
Ming? =? People's Republic of China (PRC)';
$iv? =? Rand (1000,? 9999); //key
$mi? =? Encryption ($iv,? $ Ming);
$ Jie Mi? =? Decryption ($iv,? $ mi);
Echo? Original:'. Ming. ”& ltbr/>; ;
Echo? Encryption:'. $ mi。
Echo? Decryption: "". $ Jie Mi;
//? Encryption function
Function? Encryption ($ key,? $plain_text)? {
$plain_text? =? trim($ plain _ text);
$iv? =? substr(md5($key),? 0,mcrypt_get_iv_size? (MCRYPT_CAST_256,MCRYPT _ MODE _ CFB));
$c_t? =? mcrypt_cfb? (MCRYPT_CAST_256,? $key,? $plain_text,? MCRYPT_ENCRYPT,? $ iv);
Return? trim(chop(base64 _ encode($ c _ t)));
//? Decryption function
Function? Decrypt ($key,? $c_t)? {
$c_t? =? trim(chop(base64 _ decode($ c _ t)));
$iv? =? substr(md5($key),? 0,mcrypt_get_iv_size? (MCRYPT_CAST_256,MCRYPT _ MODE _ CFB));
$p_t? =? mcrypt_cfb? (MCRYPT_CAST_256,? $key,? $c_t,? MCRYPT_DECRYPT,? $ iv);
Return? trim(chop($ p _ t));
& gt reference: /springload/detail/67