Title: Associate Professor
Subject: Microbiology
Research direction: research on enzyme function and structure of microorganisms; Study on the regulation of microbial gene expression.
1985.09- 1989.07 Bachelor of Microbiology, Department of Biology, Wuhan University.
1989.09- 1992.07 Master of Microbiology, School of Life Sciences, Wuhan University
1996.10-2001.03 PhD in synthesis and biochemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan.
Postdoctoral fellow, Bioinformatics Analysis and Research Center, Japan Institute of Industrial Technology
Job resume:
1992.7- 1996.9 teaching assistant and lecturer, Department of Microbiology, School of Life Sciences, Wuhan University.
Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences, Wuhan University
Current main research areas:
Study on the function and structure of microbial enzymes; Study on the molecular mechanism of extreme microorganism tolerance to extreme environment and the regulation of gene expression of extreme microorganism.