Kang Wang is as famous as Liu Sheng, the king of Zhongshan. Kang Wang, whose real name is Liu Ji, is the king of Jiaodong, and posthumous title "Kang", known as Kang Wang in history, is related to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Kang Wang was sealed for twenty-eight years and died in the third year of Emperor founding ceremony.
After Kang Wang died, he got a grand funeral. His eldest son, Liu Xian, was still named Kang Wang by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and his descendants were hereditary. Since Kang Wang became the King of Jiaodong, the title has been handed down for six generations. 157.
Kang Wang's death is recorded in the history books. When Liu An, the king of Huainan, rebelled, he secretly made weapons and prepared to send troops to overthrow Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty with the king of Huainan.
But when he didn't take action, Liu An, the king of Huainan, committed suicide in defeat, so Kang Wang was terrified day and night, fearing that Emperor Wu would punish him, and soon "fell ill and died".
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Emperor Ren 'en, Emperor Kang, is one of the four grand marshals to protect Daoism, and one of the ten Taibao under Emperor Dongyue. The prototype is Kangbao, a hero who fought against Liao in the Northern Song Dynasty. While guarding the Levin Pass, he was besieged by the Khitans, and the reinforcements failed, and he died without ammunition. Song Zhenzong made him a servant.
Kang Wang's Tomb is located in han group, Liuqu Mountain, Pingdu. There is a big tomb like a mountain, which is called "Kang Wang's Tomb" by local people. The proverb "Dig Kang Wang's tomb, Shandong will never be poor" refers to the priceless treasure in Kang Wang's tomb.
Guo Moruo advocated the opening of Kang Wang's tomb before his death, because he had been obsessed with Kang Wang since he discovered the tomb of Liu Sheng, the king of Zhongshan Jing, in 1968.
Baidu encyclopedia-Liu Ji