As a prime minister, Qin Gui was good at fatherhood for a long time. The scholar-bureaucrat agreed in a word and did it beautifully. To choose the rank (1) and 12 as the ruling party (2), people are eager to speed up, so people who serve in North Korea are reluctant to move out. The disadvantages of attaching importance to the inside and neglecting the outside are quite common. From time to time, Wang Zhong-Xun shuttled between officials in a funny way. One day, in the guest house of the Qin government, the courtiers got together and waited for a while. Zhong Xun is sitting at the table in the corner. In vain, he said, "The officials have not left the court today, and the officials have been waiting. Someone has a little news and he is willing to wake up. What? " Everyone knows that he is good at teasing, and he is eager to listen. Nai Kang Sheng said, "Once upon a time, a scholar returned from a visit. A guest knocked at the door and the visitor informed him that an official was absent. The guest flew into a rage and scolded, "How dare you! It is said that anyone who dies in the cloud is not there. I am close to an official, so I am not afraid of any official when I come to see him! How dare you curse it! I will come as soon as possible, and I will be ashamed of your sins. I dare not thank you and dare not say,' I am sincere and don't know the taboos. I hope the official can forgive me. But now, scholars who stay in exile are told this. If they think it is impossible, what should they say to thank the guests? The guest said,' Since your official has not returned from his visit, it means that the official can go out.' He frowned and said, "I would rather die than go out." . "The room is full of laughter. Song York's History of Seven Dynasties
Qin Gui was the prime minister of the Song Dynasty, and he practiced autocracy for a long time. Some scholar-officials said what he liked, and they immediately gained prominent power. Even some junior officials were promoted to senior officials such as deputy prime ministers, and it only took one or two years. Everyone has the desire to be successful in my official career and get promoted to a higher position, so it was common that officials in Beijing were unwilling to work in other places at that time. At that time, there was an official named Wang Zhongxun, who had a good relationship with literati. One day, many guests gathered in the Qin House, and everyone sat down in order. But after waiting for a long time, Qin Gui didn't come out to meet them. Sitting in a remote seat, Wang Zhongxun stepped forward and said, "The Prime Minister has not left the DPRK today, and the officials have been waiting for a long time. I have a little joke, hoping to help everyone refresh themselves and not get sleepy. How about it? " Everyone knows that he is good at joking, so they all craned their necks to listen to him. So he said loudly, "Once upon a time, an official went out to visit guests and hasn't come back yet. At this time, a guest visited and he handed in his business card. The doorman told him that his master was away. The guest flew into a rage and scolded the doorman and said,' How dare you! Who says a person is dead, can only say that he is not. I have a deep relationship with your master, so I came to visit him. Isn't your master jealous of this statement? How dare you curse him with "not"? I must wait for him to come back and tell him face to face so that he can cure you. The janitor apologized at once:' I really don't know this taboo, I hope you can forgive me. Only this morning I told all the officials who came to visit my master. You don't think it's appropriate. What word should you use to thank the guests?' The guest said,' Since your master has gone out and hasn't come back, all you have to do is say that he has gone out.' The doorman frowned and said,' But my master would rather die than go out. "Everyone in the room laughed.
2. Jing Wang's ancestors originally lived in Langye County. Wang Zhong, the eighth ancestor, was good at Taoism and was famous for his observation of astronomical phenomena. When Lv Hou was in power, Liu Xiang and Liu Xingju, the grandchildren of Emperor Gaozu Liu Bang, rebelled and asked Wang Zhong for advice on army building. Liu Xingju also asked Wang Zhong to unify the army. Wang Zhong didn't want to be involved in this matter, so he took his family across the sea and took refuge in Le Lang. Wang Jing's father, wang hong, is the third in the county. In the rebellion, the local king killed Liu Xian, the satrap of Le Lang, and appointed himself the general and the satrap of Lelang. In the sixth year of Jianwu, Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu sent Wang Zun to crusade against Wang Diao. Wang hong, Cao Shi, Yang Yi and others. Kill the king mink, welcome meritorious service, and seal the Hou. Only Wang Hong's firm words were not accepted, and Emperor Guangwu was "caught off guard". But wang hong died halfway.
Influenced by his family, Jing Wong began to study Zhouyi in his youth and read widely, especially astronomy and mathematics. He is skillful in calculation and versatile. He was an official in the late Guangwu Emperor or early Ming Di. In the early years of Yongping, Wang Jing was recommended to be good at water conservancy, and Emperor Han Ming let Wang Jing and Wu Wang successfully dredge the Junyi Canal. In the twelfth year of Yongping, Wang Jing was also ordered to preside over the overhaul of tributaries and the Yellow River levee, with outstanding results. In the fifteenth year of Yongping, Ming Di worshipped Jing Wang as the river bank. Seven years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was transferred to Xuzhou Secretariat. The following year, he moved to Lujiang County and died in office.
The existing records about water control work in Jing Wong are quite brief. When cooperating with Wang Wu to dredge the canal, Wang Wu adopted the "flowing water method" suggested by Wang Jing, and the water was no longer harmful. The "flow method" may be a rolling weir set beside the canal, which can control the water level in the canal and thus protect the safety of the canal embankment. The overhaul project of the side canal, which started in the 12th year of Yongping, can be traced back to the reign of Emperor Pingdi in the Western Han Dynasty. At that time, the Yellow River and the side canal burst at the same time, and the repair was delayed. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty planned to build dikes for ten years. Construction stopped soon, because some people suggested that ordinary people were incapable. After the Bianqu River flooded eastward, all the old water gates were in the river. In Yanzhou and Henan, people complained bitterly. In the 12th year of Yongping, Emperor Hanming summoned Wang Jing and asked about the water control strategy. Jing Wong made a comprehensive analysis of the situation along the Yangtze River, and Ming Di highly appreciated his excellent response. In addition, Wang Jingceng cooperated with Wu Wang to successfully carry out the dredging project, so he gave Wang Jing books on river regulation, such as Shan Hai Jing, Hequ Shu, Yu Gong Tu, and sent hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the summer of that year, taking Wu Wang as Wang Jing's assistant to implement the border control project. Wang Jing personally surveyed the terrain and planned the dike line. First, the Yellow River levee was built, from Xingyang (now north of Zhengzhou) to Haikou, Qiancheng, for more than 1,000 miles, and then the side canal was renovated. Bianqu, an important waterway that began in the Warring States period, leads the Yellow River to navigation and connects the Yellow River and Huaihe River basins. It leads the Yellow River from the northwest of Zhengzhou, passes through Kaifeng, Shangqiu, Yucheng, Dangshan and Xiaoxian, enters Surabaya in Xuzhou, and then enters the Huaihe River. Because the sliding of the Yellow River often changes, how to keep the stability of water intake is a big problem. The side canal is located in the plain south of the Yellow River, and the south of the Yellow River is often washed away. During the flood season of the Yellow River, the water intake is not well controlled, and the amount of water entering the canal is too much, and the banks of branch canals are also in danger of bursting. After cutting and straightening branch canals, dredging shoals and strengthening dangerous sections, Jing Wang also "set a sluice every ten miles to make it more complicated and there is no danger of repeated leakage". All the projects were completed in the summer of the following year. Although Jing Wong pays attention to saving money, it still spends more than 654.38+000 billion yuan. After the completion, Ming Di personally patrolled the canal and resumed the establishment of river defense officials according to the Western Han system. Wang Wu and other accompanying officials were promoted to the first class because of their meritorious service in repairing canals, and Wang Jing was promoted to the third class as a consultant.
In the fifteenth year of Yongping, Wang Jing followed Ming Di to the East until there was no salt. Ming Di witnessed its achievements in water control along the way, deeply appreciated it, and worshipped Wang Jing as the riverbank.
In the seventh year of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Xuzhou, Wang Jingqian was the secretariat and moved to Luzhou Prefecture the following year. At that time, people in Lujiang area had not adopted Niu Geng technology. Although there is no shortage of land, food is often insufficient due to limited manpower. Shaopi and Fiona Fang have more than 100 Li, which was built by Sun Shuai in the Spring and Autumn Period, but most of them were abandoned. Wang Jing organized the people to carry out repairs, formulated the corresponding management system, and erected a monument to show its prohibition. Niu Geng has also been popularized, and a large area of land has been reclaimed. Jing Wong also taught local people sericulture techniques, and its territory became increasingly rich.
Wang Jing's river regulation project has achieved great success. Shortly after the completion of the project, Emperor Han Ming issued an imperial edict saying, "Today, dikes have been built, canals have been regulated, water has been cut off, gates have been erected, and branches of rivers have been diverted to restore the old appearance. In the north of Tao Qiu, it is gradually becoming a grave. " It is pointed out that Wang Jing's work restored the original pattern of the Yellow River and the side canals, so that the Yellow River no longer overflowed everywhere and the people in the pan-area were able to rebuild their homes.
Later generations have different opinions about the specific situation of Wang Jing governing the river. In particular, there are many explanations of "ten miles and one Watergate, which is more appropriate". In Qing Dynasty, Wei Yuan believed that a sluice should be built every 10 along the Yellow River levee. During the Republic of China, Li Yizhi thought that a sluice should be built every 10, and Wu Tongju thought that there were two sluices in the side canal, which were 10 apart. In recent years, people think that it is impossible and unnecessary to build a sluice every 10 mile along the Yellow River and the canal river dike. The most likely situation is to build two or more diversion gates at the Yellow River diversion point of the branch canal, with the gate spacing of about 10 Li to adapt to the fluctuation of the main stream of the Yellow River.
Wang Jing's historical contribution to river regulation has long been highly respected, and there is a saying that Wang Jing's river regulation has never been bitter for thousands of years. According to historical records, the Yellow River after Wang Jing's embankment has not been diverted too much for more than 800 years, and only overflowed several times. This is indeed an ideal river.
In his spare time in politics, Wang Jing is very interested in divination, geomantic omen and mathematics, and has written special books.
3. Translate The Official History of the Later Han Dynasty Wang Jingchuan ◆ Wang Jingchuan, Wang Jing, the word Zhongtong, Le Lang surprised the Han people.
His eighth ancestor, Wang Zhong, was originally an evil man. Wang Zhong likes Taoism and knows the astronomical phenomena.
When Zhu Lu made an insurrection, Wang Liu Xiang, the king of Aiqi, planned to send troops and asked Wang Zhong for advice many times. When Liu Xingju, the king of northern Hebei, rebelled, he was asked to be a strategist.
The king was afraid of disaster, so he took a boat across the sea and fled to Le Lang Mountain, where he settled down. Wang Jing's father, wang hong, is a county elder.
After the failure to start again, the local king transferred and killed the county magistrate Liu Xian, calling himself the general and the governor of Lelang. In the sixth year of Jianwu, Emperor Guangwu's satrap Wang Zun led an army to attack Wang Diao.
Wang Zun went to Liaodong, and Wang Hong killed Wang Diao and Cao Shiyang to meet Wang Zun in the county government. The son of heaven made them all princes, but Wang Hong resigned.
The emperor was surprised and called him to Beijing, only to die on the way. Jing Wong studied Zhouyi since childhood, and then read widely. He also likes astronomy and mathematics, so he has a deep personality and is good at many skills.
SiKongFu called him to the government. At that time, Wang Jingneng was recommended to control water, and Xia Shao, the emperor of Xian Zong, asked him to build Jun Yi Qu with Wu Wang, who was going to be a vassal.
Wang Wu adopted the method of retaining water with low dam proposed by Jing Wong, so that there would be no more water damage. At first, during the reign of Emperor Pingdi, the Yellow River and Bianshui burst their banks, which damaged the riverbanks and was not well managed.
Ten years after Jianwu was founded, Yang Wu ordered Zhang Yun to write: "The Yellow River has been in Fl for a long time, and it is getting worse every day, and the economic canals have flooded dozens of counties. It is not difficult to succeed by spending some money on water control.
It is best to rebuild the riverbank and stabilize the people's hearts. "Send the paper up, light arms immediately sent to foot soldiers.
He was planning to harness the Yellow River and ordered Le Jun to write: "When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had a large population, they all cultivated along the river. However, the Ruzi River has been breached for more than 20 years, and it can't be blocked at once. Now the population is sparse and the land is vast. Although there is no governance, the disaster can still be sustained.
Moreover, there are now laborers after the war. Once there are more laborers and more people's grievances, the people can't stand it. It is better to discuss this matter when it is stable. "
Guangwu saw this opinion and cancelled the water control. Later, the beam of the tributary became bigger and bigger, and the original position of the sluice had reached the middle reaches of the Yellow River.
People in Yanzhou and Yuzhou complained that the imperial court often mobilized other laborers without first considering the people's most urgent affairs. In the 12th year of Yongping, when discussing the management of the side canal, the emperor summoned Wang Jing to ask about the geographical situation and the convenient conditions for water control.
Jing Wong sensitively and quickly stated the interests of water control, which was appreciated by the emperor. Because he once managed Junyi, he got Shan Hai Jing, Hequ Shu, Yu Gong Tu and money, cloth and silk.
In summer, the imperial court finally called hundreds of thousands of troops and sent Wang Jing and Wu Wang to build channels and river banks, which ran for more than 1,000 miles from Yang Rong to Haikou, Qiancheng. Wang Jing then surveyed the terrain, got through the hills, cleared the sand and gravel in the water, directly cut off the big ditch and deep stream, built dams at key points, dredged and guided the flow of accumulated water, and built a sluice every ten miles, so that the water could pour back and forth, and there was no danger of breach.
Although Jing Wong has saved the project cost, the cost is still calculated in tens of billions. The following summer, the canal was built.
The emperor personally inspected, and officials in charge of the river embankment were set up in the county of the Yellow River, just like the system in the Western Han Dynasty. Jing Wong became famous for it.
Wang Wu and those who are engaged in historical research have increased the salary of a first-class official. Jing Wong was promoted three times as a consultant.
Fifteen years, followed the son of heaven to inspect the beam department. When he arrived in Wuyan, the emperor praised his achievements, awarded him the position of a river walker, and gave him chariots and horses, exquisite silk and coins. Seven years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Wang Jing was transferred to Xuzhou Secretariat.
Before this, people had written a book "Imperial Capital Fu", hoping to move the capital to Chang 'an. After hearing this, the old people all had the idea of missing their homeland and looked west affectionately for a long time.
Wang Jing thought that the ancestral temple had been built and worried about people's doubts. At that time, there were all kinds of auspicious signs, such as divine birds, so I wrote "The Beauty of Lun L Zan Luoyi and the Lucky Signs Corresponding to Heaven and Man", which has some merits. In the second year, Wang Jing was transferred to Lujiang Prefecture.
Before this, people in Lujiang did not know how to use Niu Gengdi, which resulted in fertile land and often insufficient food. On the county boundary, there is the Shaobei paddy field built by Sun Shuai, the prime minister of Chu State.
Jing Wong led and urged officials and people to reclaim wasteland and teach people to farm. In this way, the cultivated land has more than doubled, and the county is abundant in grain. So he carved this commandment on a stone to let people know this prohibition.
In addition, he also instructed the people to raise silkworms and weave fabrics, formulated laws and regulations for them, and engraved all the laws and regulations on country pavilions. Lujiang also circulated the provisions he formulated.
Jing Wong died in office. At first, Jing Wong thought that all the records in the Six Classics had B-tips, and everything was in pursuit of B-tips. However, the good fortune and bad fortune mentioned in the group books are inconsistent, so he compiled the applicable books such as mathematics, taboo of building tombs, Yin and Yang Feng Shui, astrology, etc. into Dayan Xuan Ji.
4. Mr. Lifu inherited the translation of classical Chinese. People saw him farming in Liv, so they called him that. Mr. Fu's personality is bold and unrestrained, and he likes reading books of ancient sages, among which Spring and Autumn Annals is his favorite, and he finds fault with small things. He saw a book written by Wang Zhongyan and said, "After three biographies of Chunqiu, Chunqiu lost its meaning", and he quite agreed with this view. Carving it on a stone, I actually regard this kind of research knowledge as my life's task. The contents in the book are upside down and confused, and there is no fluency. After about a hundred years, no one dared to point out its shortcomings and mistakes. Mr. Liv was worried about misleading young people, so he wrote a book to pick out mistakes and correct them. Mr. Fu usually entertains himself by reading and writing articles, and never gives up. Every time he writes a book, some of it is taken by people he likes and later found in other people's homes. I'll never say it's my own work again. When I was a teenager, I studied poetry and wrote poetry. At first, I pursued adventure and strangeness, just like breaking the enemy's array. Later, I reached the level of peace and elegance. Every time I get a book, I know it thoroughly before I put it back on the shelf. As soon as I find out which book is wrong, I will immediately start to revise it, not limited to two or three times. The red and yellow pens never leave my hand. He has re-bound, and if there is any mistake in the text, he will correct it. He is glad to hear that others are studying, commenting and talking about fatigue. Although Mr. Wang is poor, he never talks about getting benefits. Mr. Wang lives in a few acres of ponds, 30 houses and 400 acres of land. There are not only ten cows, but also five or six farmers. But his fields are all located in low-lying areas, and as long as it rains day and night, it will be connected with the river. You can't tell whether it's your own field or someone else's field. Mr. Wang is starving and there is no savings in the granary. So he had to personally take farm tools and lead farmers to build dikes and dams. Since then, despite the flood every year, he can't relax his vigilance and drown his crops. Someone ridiculed Mr. Wang, saying, "In order to control water, Yao is thin, shun is black, and Dayu has calluses on his hands and feet." Are they not all saints? " I'm just an ordinary person. What can I do to support my wife and children if I don't work hard? Besides, what's the difference between this and fleas and lice on famous vessels and finches and rats in granaries? "Mr. Wang doesn't like to make friends with vulgar people by nature. Such a person can't see him even when he gets to the door. Mr. Wang doesn't prepare horses and chariots and doesn't attend the funeral. Relatives and friends at home and abroad, weddings and funerals during the Chinese New Year holidays, he never participates in exchanges on time. Sometimes it's neither too cold nor too hot, and he's in good health and nothing, so Mr. Wang takes a boat and prepares tents and tables. He only brought a book, a tea set, a pen and ink, a fishing gear and a boy rocking a boat. When he got there, he didn't come straight back, even though the waterfowl took off and the mountain deer ran so fast. People called him a Jianghu Sanren, so Mr. Wang wrote a book about Jianghu Sanren. From then on, no matter praise or criticism, he will not be affected, and he will no longer be affected. You can't stop something from happening as soon as it happens. You will soon regret it, and many corrections will not get rid of this habit. Mr. Wang doesn't spread his name, and no one in the society knows him. Isn't he a fisherman's boatman like a rich man? .
5. Read the following classical Chinese and complete the following sub-questions 1, C: With the help of 2, A ① Yu, preposition, and. ② Yu, a preposition, indicates the reason. (3) The passive voice is composed of "what" and "what". 3.b First clarify the meaning of "ordinary first year", (Wang Yun) left her job because of her mother's death. Wang Yun is very filial. The meaning of this sentence "leaving with mother's worries" is independent and complete, so B.4 and C did not mention "pointing out its shortcomings" 5, (1)① "a prince's grandson", and the judgment sentence; Know, all; Sang, here you are. 2 superior, think oneself superior; Value, be pushed heavy. (2) "focusing on the present" means "being valued by the world", which is explained by concrete examples, that is, finding the corresponding sentences from the original text and then translating them. "Every time I see the narrator, I feel that I can't catch it." "The prince holds the narration sleeve alone and caresses the filial shoulder, saying: the so-called left floating hill sleeve, the right Hongya shoulder. It is very important to see this. " "Clouds Meet Yin Yun □ Fang Ya" Answer: 1, C2, A3, B4, C5, (1)① You are the grandson of a maharaja, and I will give you all my books. (2) (Wang Yun) generous and honest, you don't think you are superior just because you have the ability. I don't think I am as good as myself. Prince Zhaoming often plays with Wang Yun and Liu in Xuanpu, and holds banquets, but the prince only pulls Wang Yun's sleeve and touches Liu's shoulder and says, "This is called putting the floating mound sleeve on the left and patting the cliff shoulder on the right." ③ Wang Yun and Yin Yun were treated with elegance because of their poems.