What time does the bus from Liuzhou to Haikou arrive in Haikou, how many hours is it on the way, and what is the fare now? Be precise!
Now the fare is around 200. You can get on the bus and bargain. There are more than 200 station tickets, and 40 yuan does not include the sea. You should pay when you get on the bus. If you buy it directly in the car, you can pack it. There is a shuttle bus at Liuzhou South Station around 2 pm, and there is a shuttle bus at 1 1 main station. Travel time is about 10 hour. It depends, because you have to wait for the boat to cross the sea. It takes an hour to cross the sea, not including the waiting time. It used to leave around 2 pm and arrive at 4 am the next day. Another time I arrived in Liuzhou at 6 pm and Haikou the next day. The driver will choose the route according to the situation so as to arrive at the dock in time to sail.