Welcome to this page. The main content of this page is to explain the origin and source of the original idiom Qingyuan, and answer the meaning of the original idiom Qingyuan, including English translation and sentence making. At the same time, it provides the link addresses of Baidu Encyclopedia and SOSO Encyclopedia, giving you an all-round interpretation of the original idiom Qingyuan. If you can't find the content on this page, click the end of the page to return to Baidu search.
[Idiom explanation] refers to fundamentally rectifying and cleaning up and thoroughly solving problems.
The encyclopedia is explained as follows:
Original name settlement source
Pinyin q and q and qīng Yuán zhèng běn n n n n
Explain Qingyuan: clean up from the source; Original: fundamentally rectify. Clean up the source and fundamentally rectify it. Metaphor fundamentally rectify and clean up.
Source "History of Criminal Law in Han Dynasty": "Why not just think about the original, so delete the law?" Jin Shu's "Emperor Wu Ji": "Thinking with the world is the original source."
This case just wants to ~, Niu Li should also be blamed. ★ Cai Dongfan's The Romance of Tang Shi is back to the eighty-sixth.
Baidu encyclopedia address: baike.baidu.com/view/2159828.htm.
SOSO encyclopedia address:
Baidu search: "Click here"