Name: Christina Logan kristanna loken
Birthday:1979 65438+1Monday, October 8th.
Constellation: Libra
Weight: 52kg
Dimensions: B86cm:W56cm:H76cm
Full name: kristanna sommer loken Christina Logan
Born in Norway, now living in new york, USA.
Occupation: model, actress
Christina Logan kristanna loken started her modeling career at the age of fifteen with the encouragement of her mother, who took her to the United States. Her father has an apple farm in new york. After becoming a supermodel, she was lucky to be chosen as the heroine of Terminator 3: Rebellion of Machines, opposite Arnold Schwarzenegger and playing the seductive devil role.
Christina Logan's film and television drama kristanna loken;
Terminator 3: The Rebellious Terminator of Machines 3(2003)
College boy (200 1)
Panic (200 1)
Gangdom (2000)
Washington DC (2000) TV Series
"mortal fight: conquest" (1998) TV series
Pensacola: Wings of Gold (1997) TV series
Unhappy from now on (1995) TV series
Aliens in the Family (1996) TV series
With the Rotation of the World (1956) TV series
Arnold in the film is T850, an ordinary robot, and she is T-X, a liquid robot.