In the first year of Jingning (the first 33 years), Emperor Gaozu Liu Ao acceded to the throne. At the beginning of Emperor Wu's accession to the throne, Xue Xuan served as Zhong Cheng, enforcing the law in the DPRK and taking charge of the secretariat outside. Xue Xuan said: "Your majesty's highest virtue is to be very kind, have mercy on the people, work hard all day, be comfortable and happy every day, be in charge of the Holy Way fairly, and be punished appropriately. But the auspicious atmosphere is blocked, and yin and yang are not harmonious. This is the reason why liegeman is incompetent and unique in sanctification. Personally, I think one result is that officials are so autocratic and complicated in politics and religion that they are likely to obey the secretariat. Some don't abide by the duties stipulated by law and act according to their own wishes. Intervene more in county politics, open private doors, listen to rumors, demand faults from officials and people, condemn subtlety, and seek perfection. At the county level, it is urged one after another, and the internal pressure is becoming more and more severe, spreading to the people. Therefore, there is a lack of guests in the village, and the nine clansmen have forgotten the kindness of their loved ones. The food is terrible, the rich help the poor, and the welcoming ceremony is not held. The moral norms of human beings are unreasonable, yin and yang are separated, and qi is not peaceful. The Book of Songs says:' People don't talk about friendship, but quarrel for dinner.' As the saying goes,' tyranny makes people disloyal, and troubles make people hurt their kindness'. There must be clear constraints in the secretariat of history, so that we can clearly know the major events of the dynasty. I am stupid and don't know the way to govern the country. I hope God will test me. "Han Chengdi rewarded and adopted his suggestion.
Xue Xuan made many suggestions to Emperor Hancheng, recommending and impeaching 2,000 stones belonging to Cishi County, demoting and promoting them, and reversing black and white, which made them famous. Xue Xuan left Beijing to become the satrap of Huaiyang, and political enlightenment was widely promoted. At that time, thieves harassed Chen, and Emperor Han Chengdi was transferred to Xue Xuan as Chen Taishou. Thieves are forbidden, and officials and people respect him very much. Zuo Fengyi was transferred to the position of satrap, and became a formal satrap after serving for one year.
At first, Xie Yang was punished. Yang Zhan, the magistrate of Gaoling County, and Xie You, the magistrate of Liyang County, were insatiable and took the shortcomings of the chief executive as hostages. The first two thousand stones were checked many times, and they were not much different. When Xue Xuan was in power, Yang Zhan and Xie You had been to the county government. Xue Xuan set up a meal with them, and the reception was very thoughtful. Then he secretly collected their stolen goods and fully grasped the necessary evidence. Xue Xuan observed that Yang Zhan had the idea of correction, so he respected his efficacy and personally wrote a brief chapter, stating his bad evidence one by one and sealing it to him. He said: "The officials and the people have stated your crimes one by one. As written on the bamboo slips, some people think that they are suspected of pocketing the money of the prison officials. Feng Yi respects you and thinks that it is too heavy to punish you according to the ten golden rules of stolen goods. I can't bear to expose your crime. So secretly use calligraphy to tell you that you should consider your own retreat and come out as an official later. If you don't have those crimes, reply to a letter and identify it for you. " Yang Zhan knows that all crimes and stolen goods are equivalent to those recorded by Xue Xuan. Xue Xuan's words are gentle and considerate, with no intention of harm. Yang Zhan immediately untied the seal, handed it to the official, and wrote a letter thanking Xue Xuan without complaining.
Liyang made Xie You think he was a celebrity and looked down on Xue Xuan. Xue Xuan clearly blamed him for delivering documents alone, but said, "Tell Li Yangling that it is tedious and harsh for officials and people to talk about your administration of government affairs, and exile punishes more than 1,000 people who work, stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars and supplying them for illegal purposes;" Buying and selling are left to rich officials, and the price is unknown. It's all verified and understood. We should send officials to investigate and verify. I was afraid that someone would recommend you negatively and bring shame to Confucian scholars, so I sent Ping to understand and tell you. Confucius said:' If you can contribute your own strength, you will take office. If it doesn't work, you should stop. Think about it carefully. You are going to choose someone to replace Li Yangling. "Thank you for taking the denunciation document and taking it away.
At that time, Pingyang County was bordered by Shang Jun and Xihe in the north, which was the junction of several counties, and there were many thieves. Gong Xue, the magistrate of Pingyang County, was originally a dutiful son in the county, and was gradually promoted according to his work. He has never been in charge of civil affairs, so he has no responsibilities. Suyi County is very small. In remote mountainous areas, people are cautious, simple and easy to manage. Yin Shang, the county magistrate of Suyi, has been in charge of the county for a long time, serving as the county magistrate of Loufan, recommending Jinshi and being transferred to the county magistrate of Suyi. Xue Xuan invited Yin Shang and Gong Xue to change the county according to the season. After they changed counties, they only managed civil affairs for several months, and both counties managed well. Xue Xuan sent a condolence letter to encourage them to say, "It would have been even worse if Meng Gongzhuo had asked him to be the minister of the State of Jin, Zhao and Wei;" But I don't have the talent to be a doctor in a small country like Teng and Xue. Originally, some people showed off because of their good virtue, while others were elected because of their high functions. "How can a gentleman's path be the same!" Each subordinate county has its own sages, and Feng Yi enjoys the merits of the county alone. I hope to work hard and finish my work. "
When Xue Xuan learned that the officials and people of the county he was in charge were accused, he called and told the officials of the county to let them exercise their punishment. The Oracle said: "The reason why the county government didn't expose the tip-off letter itself was that it didn't want to govern the civil affairs on behalf of the county and win the reputation of the county magistrate." No unhappiness or fear, sir. Take off your hat and thank Xue Xuan for his kindness.
Xue Xuan's official rewards and punishments are clear, and his usage is fair, which is sure to be realized. Fatwa is the norm in all the places he has served, and most of them are generous and kind to benefit the people. Chiyang county magistrate chose Wang Li, an honest official in the prison. Wang Li was not summoned by the county government. I heard that Wang Li was bribed by the prisoner's family. Xue Xuan blamed the county magistrate, who inquired about the prison. It turned out that the warden's wife received 16 thousand money from the prisoner's family, and it took the warden a night to really know. The prisoner committed suicide because he was ashamed and afraid. When Xue Xuan heard about it, he sent a document to Chiyang County, saying, "The county summoned an honest official to be a prisoner and wanted to slap Wang Li, but Wang Li didn't know that the murder came from me. What a pity that Wang Li is really an honest person! You can write the name of Fujue straw hat on Wang Li's coffin in recognition of his heroism. Everyone who usually knows Wang Li participated in the funeral. "
On winter solstice and summer solstice, the official is on vacation. Cao Yu, who was in charge of thieves, refused to take a vacation and sat in charge of the official office. Xue Xuan issued a statement saying: "Courtesy is more important than harmony, and couples should respect traffic when handing over. For a long time, Japanese officials have taken vacations in winter and summer according to the law. Although the government has official duties, I hope my family will be partial to me. Officials should follow the crowd, go home to reunite with their wives and children, set out wine and dishes, invite neighbors, and talk and laugh together. This is also appropriate! " Zhang Fu was ashamed, and all the officials were friendly to Xue Xuan.
Xue Xuan, who was promoted to suggestion, liked majesty and was gentle in advance and retreat, reaching a higher level. Careful, quiet, resourceful, do their job, to ensure their own safety. From the bottom to the control of pen and ink stone expenditure, there are plans, which are easy to use and save money. Officials and people praised him. Xue Xuan was promoted to a small court to provide taxes for the emperor.
More than a month later, the ancient historian Yu Yong died. Gu Yong said, "There is nothing greater than understanding people. Knowing people makes a hundred officials serve, and the heavenly officials are not empty. Therefore, Hao Tao said, "It is wise to know the lieutenants and appoint people according to their merits." A mediocre person, as a custom educator in the imperial court, is beyond his power to help the prime minister rule the outside world. It is time to choose him from the ministers to fill his vacancy. If you get the right person, all the people will be happy and all the officials will be happy; Without the right people, great work will be ruined and the achievements of the emperor will not be carried forward. This stroke will not be complete! When I secretly saw the young official Xue Xuan, I was honest and upright, and I studied politics. My predecessor, Zhong Cheng, enforced the law under the emperor's hub, and he didn't express his displeasure or swallow his softness, so my actions were timely and reasonable. Such as Linhuai and Chenliu Taishou, the two counties are called good; For Zuo Fengyi, what he pays attention to is a good education. In parallel with Wade, his posts are beautiful, good and organized. People who do evil have never stopped, and there have been fewer lawsuits than the Prime Minister's Office in recent years. After forgiveness, only one tenth of the remaining thieves were three assistants. The effect is outstanding, and the left civil history has not been set from the beginning. Confucius said,' If I had a compliment, I would have tried it.' The assessment of Xue Xuan's official achievements lies in the two governments, and he dare not flatter himself. I heard that there is nothing greater than treating people, and propaganda has always been effective. He is proficient in law and is fully capable of being appointed as Tingwei. His skills are elegant enough to advise the imperial court and make decisions on foreign countries. Versatile, you have honest and fair integrity. Without the help of clique lobbying, Xue Xuan was afraid that your majesty would be left out in the cold by the poem "Lamb" (the beauty was thrifty and just in power), abandon a fair and simple minister, and appoint someone in the name of vanity, so he overstepped his authority to state Xue Xuan's character and talent. I hope your majesty will pay attention to it. "The emperor regarded Xue Xuan as an ancient scholar.
A few months after Xue Xuan was dismissed, he was promoted to the position of an ancient bachelor, with yu zhang as the prime minister, and he was named Levin Hou, a food city with thousands of households. Xue Xuan appointed Zhao Gong and his two sons as prime ministers. Zhao Gong, the son of Zhao Guanghan's brother, is also famous for his ability to be an official. When he became prime minister, it was stipulated that the prime minister's office refused to accept the lawsuit of 10 thousand yuan and did not send documents. Later generations followed Xue Xuan's old example. However, officials accused Xuan of being trivial and without gifts, and he was not a talented person. At that time, the son of heaven was elegant and Xue was shallow, and the emperor looked down on him.
For a long time, thieves started in Guanghan county, and the pursuit of history and suggestion of the Prime Minister faction could not be banned. The emperor worshipped Zhao Wei, the capital of Hedong, as the prefect of Guanghan and engaged in military law. A few months later, thousands of people who killed their leader Gong Zheng surrendered before settling down. When the Empress Dowager Qiongcheng died, the funeral was hasty, and officials simply collected the land tax. Later, when the emperor heard about this incident, he thought it was the fault of the Prime Minister and the Imperial Adviser, and wrote to remove Xue Xuancheng from his post, saying, "I didn't hear that you were the Prime Minister, and you were loyal and filial for six years." I'm not smart, mutation is common, and I have no harvest year after year. The warehouse was empty, the people were hungry and displaced, and thousands of people were killed by the plague. People eat people, thieves rise together, and the group posts are abandoned. This is caused by my lack of virtue and poor thighs and arms. At present, thieves are rampant in Guanghan, killing officials and people. I feel sorry for that. I have asked you several times about this matter, but your answer is not that good. Xizhou is isolated from the world and can hardly become a county. There is no limit to the collection of three auxiliary taxes, and the cruel officials are in chaos, and the people are in trouble. The imperial edict confirms that you have no intention of finding out the facts. Everyone below Jiuqing is accused of obedience, and at the same time, they are accused of cheating, and the blame will be borne by you! Impeach your slack in your post according to law, which opens the way to negligence and deception, makes the weathering damage thinner, and cannot set an example for the four parties. I don't have the heart to hand you over to the judge, but I'd better hand you over to the Prime Minister, Levin Hou Yinshu, dismiss the Prime Minister, and then go home. "
When the official rank was restored, Xue Xuan was the prime minister and Zhai Fang was the secretary. Xue Xuan knew that Jin Fang was a famous Confucian, with the talent of prime minister and profound friendship. Zhai finally became prime minister, and he remembered Xue Xuan's kindness. Two years after Xue Xuan was removed from office, he recommended that Xue Xuan be familiar with the legal provisions and national system. His own fault is not serious and he can use it again. The emperor called up Xue Xuan and restored the position of Levin Hou, which made special progress, ranking second only to yu zhang, the emperor's master, and was in charge of the affairs of ministers. Xue Xuan was respected again and worked as an official in the court for several years. Later, due to his good friend Hou Chang's crime in Dingling, he was dismissed from his official position and went home.
Brother and Xue Xuan have two younger brothers: Xue Ming and Xue Xiu. Xue Ming official to Nanyang satrap. Xue Xiu once worked as a county magistrate, Jing and other low-level officials. He is sociable and praised by people in the state. Stepmother often stays with Xue Xiu. When Xue Xuan became prime minister, Xue Xiu was appointed as a temporary order, and Xue Xuan took over as stepmother, but Xue Xiu did not send it away. When the stepmother died of illness, Xue Xiu went to the official to observe filial piety. Xue Xuan said that Xue Xiu could not be filial for three years, and the brothers had different opinions. Xue Xiu kept filial piety for three years, and since then, the brothers have been at odds.
Two years after Emperor Ai of Han Dynasty was demoted (the first seven years), Dr. Shen Xian was also from the East China Sea. He slandered Xue Xuan for not supporting his stepmother, losing his mother, and being weak in kinship. Because of disloyalty and filial piety, it is not appropriate to restore the princes to the DPRK. Xue Kuang, son of Xue Xuan, is assistant minister of Cao You. He heard about it many times and bribed the guest Yang Ming, hoping that Yang Ming would hurt Shen Xian's face and prevent him from occupying the official position. Just after the vacancy of the appointment, Xue was afraid that Shen Xian would seize the position, so Yangming hid outside the palace gate and injured Shen Xian, cut off his nose and lips, and suffered eight injuries.
When this matter was assigned to a department, Zhong Cheng and others said in imperial history: "Xue Kuang was a courtier and his father was a former prime minister. The second time, he was appointed as Marquis, and he did not assist the monarch to give this title. They suspect each other that Shen Xian was slandered by Xue Xiuyan. What Shen Xian said is all about Xue Xuan's deeds. Everyone has seen it and the public should have heard of it. Xue Kuangming knew that Shen Xian was giving something, and he was afraid that he would beat Xue after he became a courtier, but he openly let Yang Ming and others approach the palace and rob the courtiers in the crowd on the avenue to cut off his hearing and vision and put an end to discussion. It is cruel, cunning, fearless and spreading everywhere, which is different from the angry struggle of ordinary people. It is said that in order to get close to the emperor, I respect my near minister very much. Etiquette, when you get off at the public gate, you will be blessed when you see a horse, but your livestock is still respectful (similar to the feelings of ministers). "Spring and Autumn Annals" means that if evil does not suppress right, it will be punished, and the invasion of the source cannot last long. Xue's illness is the first evil, and Yangming personally hurts people, with evil effects and intentions, which is disrespectful. Yang Ming and Xue Kuang should be severely sentenced. " Ting Wei thought that "the law says that fighting with a blade hurts the people, reducing the crime and building a city by guarding the border. Those thieves hurt the people with a blade and are guilty of the same crime as the mastermind." The imperial edict does not criminalize libel and fraud. According to legend,' a person who is beaten without leaving a scar and does not look at others directly is the same as the crime of beating his flesh and blood, and evil is not right.' Both Shen Xian and Xue Xiu are very good, but speaking ill of Xue Xuan many times is not straightforward enough. So, Xue Kuang hurt Shen Xian, and his plan was set. Later, I heard that he wanted to choose a secretary. Yang Ming was prompted by his previous plan, not because he was afraid of being appointed as a secretary. It comes from personal struggle. Although it is a side door in the palace, it hurts the immortal and is no different from the struggle of a common people. In Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, the truth that the murderer died and the injured person was punished has not changed. Confucius said:' improper use of courtesy words must be corrected', and the name is incorrect and the punishment is not allowed; Punishment is not allowed, and the people don't know what to do. Today, Xue's condition is the first evil, and Yangming's personal injury is disrespectful, and there is no difference between public and private. The meaning of Spring and Autumn Annals is convicted by looking for its true heart. It turned out that Xue Kuang was angry at the destruction of his father, and there was no other great evil. I'm afraid it's not legal and impossible to commit libel fraud. The holy king will not increase his punishment because of anger. Yang Ming was convicted of bribery and murder, while Xue Kuang and his accomplices were sentenced to exile in remote places to build and defend the city because of their mitigated crimes. "The emperor asked or discuss this matter. Both Kong Guang, the prime minister, and Tai Fu Kong thought that Cheng's argument in the imperial examination was correct, and all the generals and Dr. Ichiro thought that Ting Wei was correct. Xue Kuang finally reduced his crime and was exiled to Dunhuang. Xue Xuan was implicated as Shu Ren, returned to the original county and died at home.
The historical evaluation of Ban Gu's Han Shu: ① "Declare where you are and govern the country, be the teacher of the world, and occupy a big position, and damage your name with harsh censorship, with excellent sincerity." ; (2) "Proclaim and punish officials, use them fairly, be strict with yourself and be lenient with others." ; (3) "Publicity is a good dignity, and it is very impressive. Nature is to think quietly, think sparingly, and ask for it. " ; (4) "expected hair line clean, up to politics"
Historical Records Hanshu Volume 83 records 53 articles of Xue Bochuan.
The wife of a family member, Princess Jason Wu (Princess Jason Wu), is the daughter of Xuan Di Liu Xun, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. He first married Zhang Lin, the great-grandson of Zhang Anshi, and later married Qin Zhao, the grandson of Zhao Chongguo. After Q.luv died, she married Xue Xuan again. Xue Xuan went back to the old county to avoid sin, and the princess stayed in the capital. After Xue Xuan died of illness, Xue Kuang, his son, returned to Chang 'an to live with him. Because Fu Fuding and Fu's consorts, Wang hates his guts. When Emperor Ping of Han Dynasty was in power, Wang Mang was forced to commit suicide with drugs.
My younger brother, Xue Ming, is the official magistrate of Nanyang.
Xue Xiu, Guan Zhijing, Shao Fu, etc.
Son Xue Kuang, official to assistant minister Cao.
Xue Hui, official to Pengcheng county magistrate.