In The Legend of Mi Yue, there is a scene in which Chu Huaiwang goes to the tomb of the late king to offer sacrifices. This should be in line with etiquette. The king is in front, concubines and children are behind. Zheng Xiu stood beside Chu Huaiwang regardless of his identity, which made Wei Hou unhappy and ugly. Even after Wei Xiang put forward his opinion and asked to follow it, he turned around as if he were asking for advice. From here, we can see that Chu Huaiwang is deeply respected by Zheng Xiu.
Later, Zheng Xiu was accidentally cut by a poisonous weed called Scorpion Grass, and Mi Yue treated her with herbs. In Zheng Xiu, I learned that Mi Yue is also a princess, but she is actually Chu Huaiwang's sister, so I have different views on Mi Yue. Zheng Xiu learned that Mi Yue lived in this cemetery because of Wei Hou's orders. In order to repay Mi Yue for saving his life, Zheng Xiu suggested to Chu Huaiwang to bring Mi Yue back to the palace. In the following plot, we can see that Zheng Xiu contributed most to Mi Yue's smooth return to the palace. After Mi Yue returned to Chu, Zheng Xiu also helped Mi Yue a lot.
Zheng Xiu is such a woman in temperament. She doesn't have lofty ideals. She just wants to win the favor of Chu Huaiwang. When she doesn't violate this point, she is an ordinary woman, and she is also very kind to Mi Yue. It can be seen that although Zheng Xiu has calculation, she only uses calculation on human feelings.