Alexander Graham Bell was not just the inventor of the telephone. He is also a teacher of the deaf. Keller's family contacted him, and when he met her, he felt her innate wisdom. He suggested that the family hire a young woman named Anne Sullivan to tutor young Helen. The family is very rich and can afford their children's tutoring, so they contacted Miss Sullivan.
Anne Sullivan himself is semi-blind. She studied at the Perkin Institute for the Deaf in Boston. At the age of 265, she was hired to live with the Kellers and work with Helen. Sullivan designed a way to make gestures, and Keller could understand them by pressing her hand on Keller's palm. In this way, the young girl can learn to communicate well. By her eighth birthday, she was already famous, and her fame will accompany her for life. Mark Twain became her friend and called her a miracle worker.
Helen Keller went to ratcliffe College and got her degree by spelling the lecture in the palm of her hand through Sullivan. During her school days, encouraged by Women's Family Magazine, she wrote her autobiography, The Story of My Life, to satisfy the endless curiosity of people all over the world. She even learned to hold Sullivan's throat with her fingers, and I imitated the vibration. She was the first deaf-mute to graduate from college, and she graduated with honors.
In her life, she will meet many celebrities and have many experiences. She met every president who served in her lifetime. Thanks to the talent of violin and Jascha Heifetz, an outstanding violinist in the 20th century, she even had the experience of listening to music. By feeling the vibration of the violin, she can tell which composer is playing. She also danced in Matt Ha Graham's studio by feeling the vibration of music.
She spent most of her life touring with her teacher and companion Anne Sullivan. Sullivan was married briefly, but after the divorce, she returned to work with Keller. Keller became a defender of the blind, published a large number of books in his life, and participated in activities against child labor and the death penalty.
1952 awarded her the National Academy of Social Sciences Gold Medal. 1953 She was awarded the honor at the University of Paris, which is the highest honor in France. 1955 She won an Oscar for her documentary The Story of Helen Keller and an honorary degree from Harvard University. 1964, President lyndon johnson awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the United States.
Helen Keller died on June 88, 65438 at the age of 88. With the establishment of foundations and institutions, her legacy continues to exist to continue to end blindness. The Helen Keller Prize is awarded to those who focus public attention on visual research.