Have a good understanding and application knowledge of computers.
Computer understanding and application knowledge.
Experience in computer operation (Lotus, Wordperfect).
Computer operation experience (Lotus and Wordperfect).
Database programming and network knowledge.
Database programming knowledge and network knowledge.
Have a technical degree and rich computer experience.
Have an engineering degree and rich computer knowledge.
Good at computer operation.
Skilled in operating windows.
Computer operation skills.
Understand computer operation technology.
Skillful use of computer.
Familiar with computer application.
I/C system design experience background.
Experience in 1/C system design.
Good computer knowledge and experience.
Solid computer knowledge and experience.
Know something about personal computers.
A little familiar with personal computers.
Experience in computer operation, proficient in using Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.
Experience in computer operation, familiar with Windows, word and Excel.
Knowledge of microcomputer and software programming.
Understand microcomputer and software programming.
Proficient in UNlX, DOS/WIN and Windows NT.
Familiar with UNIX and DOS/WIN and Windows NT.
Rich personal computer hardware knowledge.
Solid hardware knowledge.
Familiar with computer network and office software.
Familiar with computer network and office software.
Familiar with Novell LAN, NUIX, Foxpro, C++, relational database.
Familiar with the application of Novell LAN, NUIX, Foxpro and C++ network database.
Proficient in computer operation.
Skilled in computer operation.
Experience in system development, including system analysis and design.
Experience in system development, including system analysis and design.