First of all, you must learn to keep accounts and record your monthly expenses. Find out the unnecessary money, and then sort out some necessary money to see how much it costs every month. Suppose you spend 3,000 yuan this month, and you find it unnecessary to buy anything, then you have to spend 1500 to sort it out, and then you set yourself a monthly quota 1500. This quota is particularly important. If it exceeds this quota, we will try to make it up. You can fill this vacancy by taking a part-time job, earning some other salary or saving money for next month. For example, if you spend 1700 this month, you need to spend 1300 next month.
This is the way I manage my salary now. Because there are a lot of things to do, although I don't spend on food and shelter, I will spend about 2500 a month, so I have always set myself at 2000. You can save one or two thousand dollars a month. Although we don't save much money, we can form a good habit. If you earn more in the future, saving money will be more effective.