Is Mount Putuo fun?
The dining car has a high-speed train to buy drinks. The location of the dining car can be divided into several situations: 1, 8 cars in a row: the dining car is in the fifth car. 2. If two cars are reunited (16 car), No.5 and 13 are dining cars. 3. Bicycle has 16 car, and dining car is in 9 car. Long-distance passenger trains generally have dining cars between sleeping cars and hard-seat cars. The dining car is divided into three parts: dining room, kitchen and storage room. The dining car restaurant has 12 dining tables with 48 seats; Kitchen equipment mainly includes refrigerator, freezer, stove, oven, boiler, coal box, sink, cupboard, storage box and so on. The warehouse is used to store cigarettes, wine, sugar tea, rice noodles, eggs, dried fresh vegetables and other foods.