Let Christ abide in your hearts through your faith, so that your love can be rooted and rooted, and you can understand how long and profound Christ's love is with all the saints; Knowing that this love is beyond human reach, he has filled you with all that God has filled. Ephesians 3: 17- 19
Dear brothers and sisters, in the above scripture, the apostle Paul emphasized Jesus' love for us, not our love for Jesus.
When we observe the church in Ephesus, we know that the result of accepting God's love is full of God's abundance. (Ephesians 3: 19)
Many Christians will say that if you do this, if you do that, you will be full of God's abundant grace. But it's not biblical. His words tell us that when you know and accept Christ's love, you will be full of God's abundance!
In church, some people always brag about their love for God. They think that the true Lord will bless them for their good deeds and piety, but this is wrong.
For many years, I have always believed in God, but for many years, nothing happened until I realized in Christ how much God loved me, all because of the "completion of the cross" of Jesus.
When I received the revelation of the completion of the cross, I really realized that he loved me so much, and even gave his beloved son to me to lay down his life for me (this is no longer knowledge, but revelation), as if all of a sudden, the door of grace opened and various blessings began to appear on me.
Good things always happen,
Those who know they are loved!