Fang genealogy data
According to 1924 (13th year of the Republic of China), the cubic family tree of General Fang Benren's Institute in Huanggang, Hubei Province, and 1995- 1997, the second edition of the cubic family tree of Fang XX and Fang XX's Institute in Xiaogan, Hubei Province, refer to Fang Fulin of Yunyang Friendship Association in Yunxiao County, Fujian Province. Fuqing City, Fujian Province, Longtian Fanghui, Fangshi Clan Association Fang Shouxiang, Fang Youbin, Fang et al. According to the genealogy of Puyang Jinfang rebuilt by Fiona Fang Association in Ming Dynasty, the genealogy provided by one clan association in Fuzhou, and the genealogy of Jinfang family in Gushi, Henan Province, the Genealogy of Liu Guifang was compiled. The general map of the origin of the Fang family in Henan Tang Dynasty in Yuzhou, Henan, the genealogy of the Fang family's light source in Pingjiang, Hunan, the Fang family's genealogy in Chenzhou, Guidong, Hunan, the six-revision genealogy of the Fang family in Guangchang, Jiangxi, and several sets of influential genealogies of the Fang family in dozens of provinces and cities, together with this branch provided by the participating branches, can be traced back to Fang Zushan and Fang Dacheng in Qing Dynasty and Fang Guisen in Song Dynasty.