"The Last Romance" was jointly produced by CCTV, Sony Satellite TV, Tong Meng Film and Juzheng Film, jointly produced by iQiyi, directed by Shen Yan, written by Qin Wen, starring Liu Shishi, Nini, Dong Zijian, Tian Yu, Yang Shining and Yang Le, played by Chen and Yolanda, featuring Stanley Ho, wuyue, Yu Xiaowei and Zhang Chenguang, and featuring Wang Lin, Yang Xinming and Tan Kai. Based on Yi Shu's novel of the same name, the play tells the story of Jiang and Zhu Suosuo. They have different family backgrounds and personalities, but they have forged friendship since their school days. They have gone through various tests of family, love, workplace and marriage together, and they still support each other through thick and thin.
On February 28th, 2020, at 65438+, the drama premiered on CCTV TV channel, and was broadcast simultaneously by iQiyi.