Liang tasted the suspected prison, and the ministers thought that he was guilty and innocent, although he also suspected it. Liang Wang said that Zhu Gong, the owner of Tao, has great wisdom of enriching the country with cloth. When summoned, he said that Liang was suspected of being in prison, and the warders thought he was guilty and innocent. Although I doubt it, my son must be, but Zhu Gong said, I am a minister and I don't know how to be in prison. Although the minister's house has two white walls, the color is this way and the diameter is this way, its price is one thousand dollars and one hundred dollars. Wang said that the diameter and color are the same, one is 1000 yuan and the other is 500 yuan. Why? From the side, one is twice as thick, which is 1000 yuan. Liang Wang said that if you are a good man, you will follow the doubt in prison, and if you appreciate the doubt, you will follow the doubt. Guo Liang was very happy.
There are some uncertainties in the Liang case. Some ministers think they should be found guilty, while others think they are innocent. Even Liang Wang was puzzled. Liang Wangdao: Tao Zhugong became the richest man in China by virtue of his civilian status. It must be because of his extraordinary wisdom. Then he called, "It is difficult to decide the matter of Liang. Half the people who decide the case think they are guilty and half think they are innocent. Even I am puzzled. Sir, how about you try this case? " . Fan Li said: "I am a humble citizen and I don't know how to solve a case." Since the king asked me to decide a case, then (I'll give you an example) my family has two white jade bi, which are similar in color, size and luster, but the price is one thousand yuan and one five hundred yuan. Wang said: "The size and color are similar. One sells for thousands of dollars, and the other sells for 500 dollars. Why? Fan Li said: From the side, one is twice as thick as the other, so it costs thousands of dollars. Wang said, good. Therefore, if the case is difficult to judge, it will be treated leniently, and if there is doubt, it will be rewarded. Liang Wang was very happy.