White strongman is a medical TV series produced by Hong Kong Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd., directed by Kyle Rowe, written by Huang Weiqiang, starring Guo Jinan, Kenneth Ma, Natalie Tong and Michele Monique Reis, and co-starring Matthew Ho, Zhang Xiwen, David Jiang, Zhiguang Jiang, Yingying Feng and Zhixian Zhu.
Plot introduction:
The typhoon kept Ming Chengbei Hospital as busy as a bee. Some of the injured were inserted into the abdominal cavity by steel bars, causing serious internal bleeding. Su Yi, an emergency room doctor, and Cheng, a cardiothoracic and pulmonary doctor, needed emergency surgery, but the plasma was insufficient. Tam sent the injured to the nearest hospital for rescue according to medical procedures.
Unfortunately, when the traffic was paralyzed, Tang Ming, an off-duty doctor in the department of cardiothoracic and pulmonary surgery in Ze 'an Hospital, intervened, but he did not force immediate rescue according to the procedure. Yang, vice president of Ming Chengbei, was determined to carry out medical reform, and put forward bold plans at the meeting many times, but some people were partial to him. Tang Ming and Tam cooperated to complete the operation. Tao Yi summoned Tam to make an important decision.