The failure of World War II faced two choices, either to continue World War III or to find a job. If you continue to fight three wars, can you guarantee the success of three wars? What if the third battle is unsuccessful? Do you want to continue four wars and five wars? So when do you want to take the exam? The problem now is that if you continue to take the exam, by the time you get in, it will have been three years, and all the students who graduated from college with you have already graduated. Others graduate at 25, you graduate at 28.
If you give up continuing the postgraduate entrance examination, you will face the problem of finding a job, but it is not easy to find a job. First of all, you are a candidate for World War II, so you are definitely not a fresh student. Even if you haven't found a job yet, it's not so easy to go to the campus to recruit. If you give up your status as a fresh graduate and go to the society to recruit people with work experience, you will also encounter a lot of trouble in finding a job. In this case this year, it is more difficult to find a satisfactory job than in previous years.
The above two points are a dilemma faced by the postgraduate entrance examination in World War II. You're not the only one who's worried. You have this risk from the moment you decided to take the postgraduate entrance examination in World War II. This is also the reason for the great pressure of postgraduate entrance examination in World War II. For you, you have passed the postgraduate exam twice, and both failed. You should reflect on it. What is the reason for failing the exam? Is the goal you reported too high, or did you not review well at all? If the goal is too high, then lower the requirements. Tsinghua and Peking University are all good, but some people are not good enough to review for many years. Therefore, they should correctly evaluate themselves in the postgraduate entrance examination.