A college entrance examination may improve your life, your family and a better class. For most people, good grades in the college entrance examination enable them to enter a good university, have a good job and earn a good income after graduation. Then, the college entrance examination may decide what cosmetics girls use and what cars boys will buy in the future. After all, at present, good entrepreneurs are graduates of famous universities.
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College entrance examination is not the only way for China citizens to obtain diplomas, but also the national unified entrance examination for adult colleges and the self-study examination for higher education, all of which are recognized by the state. Starting from 20 15, 1, the college entrance examination will gradually cancel six bonus items such as sports special students and Olympic Games. 2065438+On May 6, 2009, Chen Baosheng, Party Secretary and Minister of the Ministry of Education, pointed out that it is strictly forbidden to publicize "the top student in the college entrance examination" and "the enrollment rate of the college entrance examination", strengthen the management of the slogans of the college entrance examination in middle schools, and resolutely put an end to any speculation in the college entrance examination.