Liu was the fifth emperor of the Liu and Song Dynasties in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. In front, his eldest brother Liu Shaocheng became emperor because he killed their father Song Wendi. Later, Liu Jun found an opportunity to kill Liu Shao himself as emperor. It can really be said that the royal family is ruthless, and killing his father and brother is like a joke.
Liu Jun is a brave, decisive and witty great man. His talent is also far-reaching. He is good at horseback riding and archery. He can be said to be a talented person with both civil and military skills. Many ministers were afraid of Liu Jun, but after Liu Jun became emperor by his own means, he became a big slut. Women who are a little more attractive and feminine will be called into the palace to be favored, regardless of relatives and friends, and sometimes have sex with beautiful women in the queen mother's room. The queen mother spoiled him again and did not discourage him. But the scandal spread so quickly that many people knew that Liu Jun was trapped in the Queen Mother's palace. Later, because Liu Jun had a dream at night, he dreamed of making out with his mother, and then he felt very excited and excited.
It was just a dream at that time, and I felt quite lost. Later, at the conferring ceremony, Empress Lu was very happy to be the Empress Dowager because her son became emperor, so she drank a few more cups and went back to bed. At this time, Liu Jun found an opportunity to meet the Queen Mother and was very excited about this dream. After arriving at the Imperial Palace, she looked at the Queen Mother on the bed, and the sperm took the first step of incest with their biological mother.
However, the next day, the Queen Mother treated everything as nothing happened, which encouraged Liu Jun's courage and became bolder and bolder. Later, she forced her cousin to try among beautiful women. Liu Jun didn't listen to the minister's opinion, and when he got bored, he was punished. Gradually, no one dared to take care of it.