The cause of the incident was that Jin Hou wanted to attack the State of Qin and sent a special envoy to borrow soldiers from Lv Chenggong. However, in the process of acting, this man was not respectful and polite enough, so he was criticized by Meng Xianzi. Meng Xianzi is Lu Chenggong's senior deputy. Whenever there are important things such as worshipping Zhou Wang, he follows. Montessori criticized and said: "Ceremony is the work of the body. Respect is the foundation of the body. Juzi has no base. Besides, your late Qing was ordered to be a teacher and regarded the country as a guardian, but she was lazy and died. What is immortality? "
It is tantamount to saying that Xi's rudeness and disrespect have a negative life, which is tantamount to asking for trouble. Because in Montessori's view, courtesy is as important as human trunk, and respect is the foothold of human beings, and disrespect will lead to no foothold. What's more, this special envoy is the son of Shang Qing, the Duke of Jin Jing, and now he is Shang Qing, the son of the Duke of Jin Jing. He is a "successor" and his position is not important. The more important an official is, the more serious the consequences will be if he doesn't respect others.
In March of the same year, when Lv Chenggong and Jin Hou made a pilgrimage to Zhou Jianwang, together with Liu Kanggong and Cheng Sugong, they were preparing to cut the Qin Dynasty. Cheng Sugong accepted a sacrifice in the Sheji Temple, which also aroused Liu Kanggong's strong dissatisfaction and commented: "I heard that people live in heaven and earth, so-called life is also. It is based on the principles of courtesy and dignity in action and is also determined.
Blessed are those who can support them, and those who cannot be defeated are in trouble. Therefore, the gentleman is diligent, the villain tries his best, and diligent as a tribute, trying his best. Respect is to recuperate, loyalty is to keep your career. The great event of a country lies in worshipping and honoring. Where there is a commitment to worship, there is a commitment to honor, which is also a great festival of God. Now a child is lazy and wastes his life, not the other way around. "the famous sentence of this discussion is' the event of the country lies in the worship of peace and glory'.
Extended data
Sacrifice is a ritual activity. In traditional society, it is a ceremony, and the ceremony is solemn and grand. "Glory" is a military action, and for a country, it is a strategic move that has to be taken. Both are "national events" and there should be no problem. So once these two things are involved, we must be cautious.
Specifically, at least the etiquette link of "respect" should be retained. Therefore, the above-mentioned criticism of the public and Meng Xianzi's condemnation of Qiang are the principled heights of "respect" to "courtesy" and "rudeness". When going out to war, "receiving" is a "big festival of God", and rude behavior does not conform to military regulations and also violates etiquette. The two major events of "respecting and honoring" were both destroyed because of the disrespect of the public.
In fact, there are many examples of wars in Zuo Zhuan, all because of the disrespect between countries, which constitutes the fuse of mutual struggle. For example, "Two Years of Huan Gong": "In autumn and July, it is disrespectful to come to the DPRK. When I got home, I was trying to cut it. " September of the same year: "It's disrespectful to join Qi." In the twelfth year of Gong Xuan's reign, Pan Dang said, "The ancients clearly decided that the king was disrespectful and sealed his whale, thinking that he would kill it, so they visited Beijing to punish prostitutes."
In the second year of his official career, "When Jin Gong asked Gong Shuo to pay tribute to Zhou Xianfu, Wang Fu saw it and made Chanxiang's words vague. He said,' barbarians are arrogant, but they don't obey the king's orders. If the king orders them to cut them down, they will offer blessings, and the king's relatives will suffer and work hard. Therefore, they will punish disrespect and persuade them to make meritorious deeds. After six years of public service, Fan Xianzi said to Jin Hou: "I was ordered to cross the border and drink privately. If you don't respect the two kings, you must ask for it. " It can be seen that "respecting harmony and honor", as a "national event", is not only directly related to respect, but also often related to the presence or absence of respect.
Disrespect in the communication between countries can easily lead to bad relations and even go to extremes. If you don't think about anything, you will be reluctant to meet. This is a great disrespect. "Book of Rites Quli" says: "Don't be disrespectful, thoughtful and calm." Then "respect" is a "stable word". If it is very small, it can make people feel comfortable. If it is medium, it can make the family harmonious. If it is big, it will make the country and people safe. What are you talking about? What are you talking about?
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