Infectious diseases, parasitology, internal medicine, surgery, animal obstetrics, clinical diagnosis and treatment, epidemic prevention and quarantine, Chinese veterinary medicine. Animal husbandry pays attention to the living conditions of animals and ensures that animals can produce meat, eggs, milk, fur, fur and leather efficiently. What people need. Watching animals can also make people happy. Veterinarians ensure the health of animals.
Have the ability to learn new knowledge and skills and the ability to innovate and start a business. Have the ability to raise and manage ordinary livestock and poultry. Have the ability of feed and drug marketing and technical service. Proficient in livestock and poultry breeding management and disease prevention, livestock and poultry breeding and improvement, farm environment regulation, livestock and poultry diet coordination and other skills. Proficient in the selection, collocation and breeding skills of common livestock and poultry, the design skills of common livestock and poultry's diet collocation, and the measurement skills of common livestock and poultry's main performance. Master the clinical diagnosis technology of common diseases of livestock and poultry, and have the ability to establish animal epidemic prevention system and prevent major diseases. Understand the latest laws, regulations and industry norms of animal husbandry. Understand the latest development of animal husbandry.