During Zhu Qiyu's reign, he made good use of honest people such as Qian, made great efforts to govern, selected generals to train soldiers, repelled the invasion of Valla, turned the country from danger to safety, and reorganized and reformed politics, economy and military affairs, which gradually revived the Ming society at that time. He is a wise master. But it is not perfect in essence, which makes the treacherous court official take the opportunity to make trouble.
In the first month of the eighth year of Jingtai, the change of seizing the door broke out, and Ming Yingzong was reset, and another day was fine. In February, Ming Yingzong deposed as king and was placed under house arrest in Xiyuan. Soon, Zhu Qiyu died at the age of 30. Ming Yingzong went to posthumous title and was buried in the western hills of Jingtailing according to the prince's ceremony. After Ming Xianzong acceded to the throne, he wrote a letter to restore the position of Emperor Zhu Qiyu, who was called Emperor Gongren Kangding Jing. The history is called Emperor Mingjing and Emperor Jingtai. During the Southern Ming Dynasty, Ming 'an Sect worshipped the emperor in Zhu Yousong, and the temple was named Ancestor.
Interpretation of Zhu Qiyu's Historical Evaluation
Zhu Qiyu did well in politics. He resolutely cracked down on eunuchs in Wang Zhen, purged a number of corrupt officials and made politics clear. At the same time, he paid attention to selecting talents and appointed a group of talents such as Yu Qian, which made important contributions to the development of the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Qiyu also has a good military performance. He successfully resisted Valla's attack and defended national security. He was good at using the art of war and commanded properly, which made the Ming army win in the war.
In addition, Zhu Qiyu also attaches importance to the development of culture and education. He popularized Confucianism and enhanced the country's cultural soft power. At the same time, he also attached importance to economic development and promoted the prosperity of the country. Generally speaking, Zhu Qiyu was a successful emperor. A series of reform measures implemented during his reign laid a solid foundation for the stability and development of the Ming Dynasty. His historical evaluation is very high, and he is called "Jingtai Shi Sheng" by later generations.