Many dieters watch advertisements to buy medicines and never ask the doctor. This is very wrong. Obesity is a disease. Of course, you have to listen to a doctor. In an interview, doctors agreed that not everyone can take diet pills.
According to Life Times, Xiaolan, who works in a property management company, is 25 years old. She said that I began to gain weight when I was a teenager. When I was looking for a job, because I was too fat, the employer always found reasons to refuse me. After that, I vowed to lose weight!
I tried dieting for the first time and it didn't work. Instead of losing weight, I gained weight. So I started taking diet pills. I took several diet pills, but none of them worked. It cost a lot of money. Later, I heard a friend say that "slimming capsules" were very useful, so I bought them to eat. I ate a box and it really worked. I lost weight. I bought two more boxes at once. I lost 5 kilograms after eating it. But not long after, I read in the newspaper that this drug was investigated because it contained prohibited ingredients. I'm so scared now, I'm afraid I'm behind.
Jiang Tao, director of endocrinology department of Railway General Hospital, suggested that dieters should eat less and exercise more first, and it is best not to take diet pills. If they are particularly obese and have complications, they should go to a hospital and be guided by a doctor.
Professor Shi Yifan, an expert in endocrinology at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, explained more specifically that some people who are very fat and have many complications can take diet pills. Some patients can't simply eat less and exercise more, so they can take diet pills.
Diet pills have many side effects.
Diet pills have many side effects. For example, Professor Wu Song from the Institute of Pharmacology of China Academy of Medical Sciences said that sibutramine hydrochloride is a chemical drug that acts on the central nervous system and inhibits appetite, anorexia, weakness and heart rate. Saini may inhibit fat absorption, and after taking it, it will cause abdominal distension, digestive tract interference, abdominal pain, constipation and so on.
In some cases, you can't take diet pills. Professor Wu Song specially reminded that the blood pressure of patients with hypertension was not controlled after taking antihypertensive drugs, and it would be harmful to take diet pills again. It should be taken after the disease is controlled.
How to lose weight and do exercise at home?
Ms. Dai Hongfen from Beijing Jade Bird Fitness Center and Ms. Ma Ni from Beijing Manitika Co., Ltd. introduced several slimming exercises that can be practiced at home.
1, thigh bodybuilding local exercise:
Hang your arms, bend your left leg, straighten your back, and extend your right leg backward until it is parallel to the ground. The right leg and the left leg are the same. Repeat 10 times as a group, and do 3 groups each time. Keep your thighs balanced and symmetrical.
2, dumbbell exercise:
Stand or sit, hold the dumbbell tightly, bend the elbow slightly and put it on the side. Keep your back straight, breathe naturally, raise your hands straight and flat, and balance your arms. When you lift it to shoulder height, stay for a few seconds, then slowly put it down and repeat 10 times. Regular exercise of arm muscles will make the lines beautiful and firm.
3. Some actions of Ma Ni's body beauty: moving the cervical vertebra up and down, standing on tiptoe, etc.
Ms. Dai Hongfen suggested that friends who exercise at home should persevere and do warm-up activities before exercise.