It is necessary for the governor in power or their close relatives to stay in Tian Zi, Cheng Hao and Peking, which is the real "hostage". In Beijing, he obeyed your orders, held important positions, and assisted the emperor to rule the princes. His country has the obligation to pay tribute to and serve the emperor. After the death of King Wu, Zhou Chengwang Song Ji succeeded to the throne, and he became a young king. Duke Zhou and Zhao Gong went to Haojiang to assist the son of heaven, and asked the eldest son to keep the fief and defend the country. He said that he had left the state of Qi for fiefs, and sent his children to school. Her biological mother is her younger sister Lu, so she invaded and rewarded the company.
During the Zhou Chengwang period, Wu Geng, a adherent of Shang Dynasty who was enfeoffed by King Wu, took advantage of Guan Shu and Cai Shu's dissatisfaction with the Duke of Zhou and conspired with the surrounding governors to rebel. Lu was given a life and followed the Duke of Zhou's crusade. His father responded to the crusade and finally put down the "Wu Geng Rebellion".
Assist Kang Wang's son Zhou Kangwang Zhao Ji. At the beginning of his succession, Qi Dinggong assisted Zhou Kangwang as an assistant minister and warrior. Lu Chengqi's father made great contributions to the Zhou royal family in that way and won the appreciation of the emperor. Zhou Kangwang was divided into four princes, namely, Lu, Jin, Wei and Qi, all of which were treasures, while Xiong Yi, a courtier of Chu, had no score. It shows the lofty position of Qigong in North Korea.
In the sixth year of Zhou Kangwang, Lv Wang was seriously ill and Lu Tuoba succeeded to the throne, leaving his son Lu Heng and Lu Ji to stay in Haojiang, the capital of Tian Zi, to assist Zhou Kangwang.
In the first year of his death in Zhou Muwang, Lu Chang, an important official who had been king, King Kang and Zhao Dynasty, was seriously ill and died. Because his death year was Ding, he was honored as "Qi Dinggong" according to the etiquette of Shang Dynasty. Lu Ji, the eldest son of Lu Orange Basket, should have succeeded to the throne, but Lu Ji gave the position of monarch to his mother's brother Luther, and let his descendants leave the camp and move to Cui Yi to live. He and his ordinary brother Lu Heng stayed in the Zhou royal family, assisted them, and were named Taifu, ranking third. After the Duke of Qi, Luther, succeeded to the throne, he cooperated with his eldest brother, Lu Ji, and his common brother, Lu Heng, which made Qi's position among princes more lofty.
After the rule of the Tang Dynasty, due to Cai's rebellion and anti-Zhou, Qi got the opportunity to conquer, so Lu retreated and conquered Tang, and Qi became a political power when Lu was unified.
Yan Ying in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty: Chapter III of Yan Zi's Spring and Autumn Period;
Gong Jingshu bamboo, so officials keep it. If you are on a business trip, you will be convicted of chopping bamboo. If you drive, you will be arrested and convicted.
Yan Zi came in and said, "Have you heard of my late Lord Ding Gong?"
Gong said, "What?" '
Yan Zi said:' Ding Gong attacked Quwo, won it, stopped its wealth and showed its people. Since the public day, there have been people who are dead and those who are responsible, so that officials can see it and then treasure it. Please kill him and collect his gold and jade. Qi Huangong said,' It is heartless to surrender the city with soldiers and gain money with many people. It is said that the king is kind to the public and does not preach punishment. "Give it up.
Gong said, "Good!"
Yan Zi retired and ordered the prisoner to cut bamboo. "
The Quwo area recorded in historical records was the place that was called the "East Emperor" when the Tang Dynasty and the Western Zhou Dynasty were lost, and Taishigong was the capital that Jin later moved to. When the Tang Dynasty was destroyed, it was only the commander-in-chief. The real commander-in-chief of the Tang Dynasty was Qi Ding Gong Lv Chang.
During the reign of Zhou Chengwang, who was in charge of the samurai, Lu Cheng restored the status of the samurai in the Zhou Dynasty. In April, 2001, he was seriously ill, so he held a meeting with governors from all walks of life, and called together Taibao, Ruibo, Tongbo, Taigong, Taishi, Tiger Chenlu and officials who were in charge of state affairs. After Zhou Chengwang's death, Taibao Zhao Gong ordered Zhong You and Nangong Mao to follow Qi Hou and Lu Chang respectively, and led one hundred warriors to meet Prince Zhao outside the south gate. Prince Zhao was invited into the side room and became the master of the mourning family. On this day, Ding Mao ordered a book for the funeral.
Confucius in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty: Shangshu, Zhou Shu and Gu Ming;
A king collapsed, and Zhao Gong and Bi Gong were ordered to write about Gu Ming, the vassal of Kang Wang.
Only April is full of vitality, and the king is not afraid. Jia Zi, Wang Naitao H water. Being crowned with clothes depends on jade. Naitong, Zhao Taibao], Rui Bo, Tong Bo, Bi Gong, Wei Hou, Mao Gong, Shi Shi, Chen Hu, Bai Yin, Yu Shi. The king said, "Alas! The disease is getting worse and worse, only a few, and it is getting worse and worse. Since I'm dying, I'm afraid I won't take the oath, so I'll give you a trial. In the past, King Wen and King Wu preached the importance of light, which laid a solid foundation for Chen's teachings, but they did not violate it, and they used Ke Da Yin to gather their lives. Behind Dong, I respect Tianwei and keep my words, and dare not faint. If you are sick today, you will be almost prosperous and realized. When I was still in the Ming Dynasty, I said that I would help the poor with respect for Zi Yuan and Zhao Hong, and take peace as the distance to persuade small countries and big countries. Mrs. Si's dignity is indecent. I can't salute you. "
I was ordered to appear in court. The more ugly you fly, the king collapses. Taibao Huan and Nangong Maopi Cheng Qi Houlu often fought two battles, and hundreds of people fought outside the South Gate. Extending into the wing, condolences to family members. Ding Mao, make a book.
Anecdotal allusion Ding Gong gave way to Sima Qian's Historical Records Qi Taigong Family in the Western Han Dynasty: "Gai Taigong died for more than a hundred years, and his son Ding Gong Shen Lu. Ding, Zi Ludley. "
In 976 BC, Ding, the second monarch of the State of Qi, felt old after years of scrimping and saving. He handed over his position to his wife's son Luther. I went to Cui Yi to live alone. He died the following year (975 BC).
Qi Dinggong, the ancestor of Cui Shi, was handed over to his eldest son before his death, and went to live in the northwest of Zhangqiu, Shandong Province one year before his death. Later, people took "Cui" as their surname.
Zuo Zhuan by Zuo Qiuming in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty: "Cui Shi, a clan of Qi, originated from the son of Ding Gong."
Comments on Historical Records of the Chu Family written by Sima Qian in the Western Han Dynasty: "Zi Chu Xiong Yi and Lu Gongboqin, evil after Jin Dynasty, Mu Bo, son of Wei Kangshu, and Lu Chenlu, son of Wei Kangshu" 530 years before the Spring and Autumn Period of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, Xiong Yi, king of Chu Ling, still angrily mentioned this matter: "In the past, my first king Xiong Yi, and ⑽. All four countries have their own points, and I (China) am unique. Today, I sent someone to Zhou (the capital) to ask Ding for the main points. What does (Zhou) have to do with me? "
Lucheng shook the monarch.
He used to be called "Jiang surname and Lu surname", but he gave way and went to live. Later, someone took Cui as his surname, so later generations said that he was the ancestor of Cui.
Father of family member: Lu Shang (Qi Taigong)
Sister: Jiang Yi (married to Zhou Wuwang)
Sons: Lu Heng (Guo Weifu), (Qi) and Lu Ji (Doctor Qing of the Western Zhou Dynasty)
Grandsons: Gao Lu (Guo Wei Shao Sima) and Lu Cimu (Qi Guigong)