The birthplace of winter soldiers
Winter Warrior is a superhero of Marvel Comics, formerly known as james buchanan Bucky Barnes, commonly known as Bucky. Bucky first appeared in Captain America (No.1 issue) (March 194 1 issue), and as a winter soldier first appeared in the fifth volume of Captain America (June 1 issue, 2005). Bucky Bucky Barnes was Captain America's closest comrade-in-arms and the most solid backing in World War II. Later, in an operation at the end of World War II, he fell into the sea with the captain and was frozen. But the difference is that the people of Hydra found and thawed him, installed a mechanical arm at his broken arm, and brainwashed him into a spy loyal to Hydra. Since then, Baki, as a winter soldier, has completed various similar assassination missions for the evil organization Hydra all over the world. After many battles with The Avengers, he regained his memory, betrayed the former Soviet secret service organization, and was invited by his good friend Captain America to join The Avengers. 1 In Marvel Comics's movie Cosmos, Bucky, the winter soldier, was played by Sebastian Stan.