In addition, there is a gap about 300-400 meters wide at the junction of Lake Dan Tai and the Canal. If the bank is connected with the approach road, it will cut off the passage of Suzhou Lake into the sea through Wusong River, and the bank will be easily washed away by the rushing lake. Therefore, building a bridge here is the best choice.
At that time, Wang Zhongshu, the secretariat of Suzhou, made up his mind to build a bridge here in order to ensure smooth grain transportation. In 8 16, Wang Zhongshu led many skilled craftsmen to start construction, which lasted for four years and finally completed the bridge. Since then, boatmen and people in the past have been greatly facilitated. At the beginning of the bridge construction, due to the financial constraints of the government at that time, Wang Zhongshu generously donated his jade belt to help build the bridge, hence the name of baodai bridge.